Tuesday, August 18, 2009


I had a nurse suggest possibly it's not arsenic but Warfarin but I don't know if Warfarin causes a raindrop hypopigmentation. Also, Warfarin is tasteless and doesn't have a metallic taste.

I think it causes different things, but I don't know about this.

In a way, even if I had arsenic in my hair, I seriously wonder if my results would be tampered with or lied about. It would be fitting, with everything else that's been fabricated.

I don't know why the doctor didn't make a diagnosis based on my symptoms and the hypopigmentation and then the Mees lines in my nails. I mean, according to the literature, that's enough, and everyone knows I was reporting things day by day without having any idea of what could be happening, so it's not like I looked it up and made up symptoms to fit. This is one benefit to blogging, is that it charts a progression and helps show developments that are later revealed to be something in particular, to conclusion.

But I am very surprised at how many people want to totally write it off even though all my symptoms fit the bill.

I guess it might be asking too much, to ask the state of Washington to investigate an attempted homicide. For some, it's too much to believe. Others believe but they want to cover it up.

The other thing which has been bothering me which I told the doctors about when I went into ER, was not just about possible arsenic, but also about my neck fusion and repair.

When I went into ER yesterday, I was having some very sharp pin prick stabbing pains in my feet. And my throat has not felt right, like something isn't holding up where the fusion is. So I asked about an X-ray but the doctor didn't want to do one.

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