Saturday, August 22, 2009

Withdrawal of My Consent to Be a Guinea Pig for the U.S.A.

Just in case, since I already sent out email regarding my voluntary consent to be experimented on, back in 2007, I absolutely and fully withdraw my consent in every way. I withdraw consent for any kind of experiment, known or unknown, or any kind of treatment or anything which would, in any way, put me or my son in any kind of harm or not, whether effects are known or not. So, even if it's assumed to be harmless or effects are unknown, I withdraw consent that I once gave to U.S. government and military, for using me as a guinea pig and that would certaintly include my son as well. Just for the record.

Here's an article about mind control and other experiments the U.S. performed on their own military, without consent.

1 comment:

  1. someone keeps sending in posts meant to be derogatory and defamatory and tried to say my "idea" that the government was "persecuting" me was a symptom of a mental illness.

    i did not, in this post, say i BELIEVED the "government" or "miliary" were performing experiments.

    what i DID say was that in a halfway joking sense, (ha ha), i take back my "consent" and voluntary email to be involved in any sort of scientific experiment which may be beneficial to american interests.

    I was the one to write such emails, at a time when I felt patriotic and i've always been interested in clinical trials. this, in no way, suggests that i have believed this is what is going on and i've never said i felt "persecuted" by the U.S. government.

    give me a break.

    finally, I DID, while on the East Coast, ALSO go to NIH and sign up for various marrow and blood clinical trials and this is not a sign of mental illness. it demonstrates a willingness to help scientists in the furtherance of their work and nothing more.

    because I DID, at one time, make certain consents, i "withdrew" them, for the record. that doesn't mean i believe this is what was going on while i and my son were in E. Wenatchee.

    what i believe happened there makes no difference. what i know is that there was plenty of quite OBVIOUS harassment and vandalisms perpetuated by some kind of group, to my property, for years, and this documented in sworn statements by witnesses, neighbors, and triple A.


    to the individual who has spent so much time sending me offensive posts, i will not be posting any of them so if i were you, i would quit wasting your time. at the very best, i will only begin looking up who is coming onto this blog and i will track down the location and make it public information.

    blogger allows for such tracking. check for yourself.

    when i first began my blog, i was getting frequent views from places like malta. why anyone in malta cares about my blog is beyond me. others hailed from the u.s.

    at this point, i have had notice from many countries and it makes no difference to me.
