Monday, September 14, 2009

Apology to Jamie Dettmer

I want to apologize publicly, for what I wrote in the past.

I think you always gave good advice and had my best interests at heart. I'm sorry for saying anything at all, on my blog.

Thank you for your conversations and confidences.

You are one highly, highly, intelligent man and I'm sure you could tell people over here how you know, firsthand, that I'm really run-of-the-mill. If I am smart, you are a genius.

Also, I should have listened more to some of the advice I got there. I got some very good advice from different people, and opportunities, which I didn't take. It is true I was too stressed out to be clear-thinking and do much for myself, but I look back and see the wisdom I came across and I am sad I didn't follow up on some things even months ago. If I had, I might be in a different position now.

It is no one's fault but my own.

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