Friday, September 11, 2009

Hey! GOOD NEWS! For Everyone! I Got A Job!!!

Okay, not official yet, but this IS good news, and I think it's good for everyone because I now have a GOAL. I can focus on something besides others and figuring out what past problems stem from!!!

I can officially go to NURSING!

I say officially, because I didn't know if I could even apply to the program if I had nowhere to practice an internship, and I would really like to right things, straighten out, and "fly right".

But I didn't know if I'd be allowed to practice at any hospital or facility and I just found out...I can!!!

So I already contacted the nursing program people and they said everything should be fine, and then I got an okay from a hospital about practicum, if I were admitted to the nursing program.

I think it's a sign that this is what I should do. I want to do it, it would be good for me, my son, and everyone, and I could genuinely help people. I could actually DO some good instead of harm that I've caused talking about who knows what and being bored with nothing better to do than blog.

I was very bitter this morning, and griping and going back to complaining and, I think it's natural, but I felt very down. Then I got the email just now, and I think it has saved me.

I also think I am going to save a lot of other people heartache or further concern.

I have direction and an acheivable goal and I know I can do it. I also want to do very well at it, and really strive to be the best nurse I can be.

The worst part will be math. I will have to go back and do math.

But now I can focus on something else and just put things behind me. I am still concerned about my son, but I am moving forward. Thank you so much to those who are making this even possible, it's still my work to get it done, but THANK YOU.

I needed this and it is just as good as getting paid in advance. I feel optimistic and I hope I can be an asset to the community and to the medical professionals and turn things around in this regard.

I don't know what the other stuff is still about, but please, whatever is going on, I am asking those involved to please stand by and just allow me to have a normal life and do something good. I can help your children and I might even be able to help you, should you need it in an emergency.

I'm careful enough to want to do a very good job for patients and not overlook their concerns, and I'm interested enough in science to hopefully be an asset to doctors. I also think I would work fine with other nurses, and hopefully, we'd all be on the same page of wanting to take good care of people.

Thank you so much, again.

I was feeling very, very, trapped. I don't feel trapped anymore.

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