Thursday, September 10, 2009

Meeting With Someone Who Said I'd Never Make It Back

I guess what concerns me, with someone who tells me I'll never make it back, is why they are not then telling me "why".

What kind of friend tells you you'll never make it back but doesn't try to protect you or tell you what's going on?

There are a lot of wolves in sheep's clothing. And often, they'll use something to conceal what their true affiliation is.

Give me straight up. Either you're a coward, or you're going to be real about who you are and where you're from.

I saw his eyes shift to the left when I asked him about gangs and why some people weren't upfront about it. He said he wouldn't know why and looked to the left, nervously.

Then he kept going back to my son, and kept trying to remind me about my son and how did he look today and did I want him back or not.

His last words were "good luck" and "take care". Sounds familiar. Just a same old same old and he was one who kept serving up pork too. Kept saying I was "special". I said I wasn't anymore special than anyone else.

I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe he was trying to help? I'm not saying who.

All I know, is that everyone thinks I know something really big and I don't know anything, except that a whole lot of people think something really big is going on and I know ALL ABOUT IT. If I knew all about it...

If I knew all about it, or anything at all, I would probably know exactly where to go and where I and my son were safe.

That's what I would do if I "knew so much".

I am really frickin' sick of thinking I know "SOMETHING". What the h--- is SOMETHING?

Why doesn't someone just tell me?

All I know, is I see people representing themselves with colors and I have no idea what it's for. I never signed up with any group on anything. I just wanted a normal life for me and my son.

We've got this red + green which is I guess, pro and against me.

Then we've got this black, red, white thing going and I have no idea what that's supposed to be for.

Then there's straight up blue.

Then there's yellow.

Then there's red or maybe red is with red, white, and black. I have no idea.
Does anyone want to EXPLAIN this to me???

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