Wednesday, September 30, 2009

My Son Not Looking Good

For the record, I said I would quit blogging and looking into things, as long as my son looked alright. He does NOT look okay, and his fingernails and toenails show the same signs of being burned, basically, that I show.

I have people threatening me left and right, and telling me to make a choice about something I don't understand at all, and meanwhile, I and my SON have still been suffering and it is clear my son has been affected for some time.

He has dark circles under his eyes and told me he has pain at night and can't sleep. He said his back and stomach hurt and it's clear from his nails, which are warped and have odd lines on them, that he's gone through something. I don't see new irregular pigmentation, but at last Monday's visit, my son napped a little while and his entire body was twitching with benign fasciculations and then his arm actually jerked up and down a few times while he was sleeping, just as he did while we were in East Wenatchee, when I said this was happening and he was doing this.

He did it right in front of the visitation monitor.

I said I wanted the abuse and violence to stop.

This town has some extreme and serious problems. There is rampant corruption here and people have turned to other groups for means of protection, whose protective resources may not even be adequate, or whose protection is withheld until and unless there is some kind of forced compliance with others.

I know many people in this town have known exactly what was happening to me and my son.

I have still been experiencing it, and it started up again sometime after my fiance, Alvaro, left. It started up again about 2 months after he left, after, I suppose, it was determined that I was not pregnant. Then, some individuals just decided to make me and my son suffer and lay on the heat.

I will NOT tolerate this any longer and I will NOT tolerate threats, extortion, and harassment. My SON is THREE years old and he is not going to suffer any longer, period.

You are going to quit what you have been doing, those of you who have had a part in this. You are going to quit and you are never going to take it up again, against either me or my son.

My son loses weight, or gains, on a week by week basis, and I can tell when he's in good health or not. I can tell, by looking and listening to him, whether he is being affected by something or not.

Oh, and I don't mean to say that I had problems after Alvaro left because Alvaro was involved in any way. Not at all. Someone just thought me and my son were then fair game and made us into targets again. Plenty of people know I am not lying about this and that I'm not delusional either.

This is why I say, it has to stop. It is going to stop altogether.

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