Friday, September 25, 2009

New Commitment w/ Life Conditions

I am going to make a new commitment only if I know nothing happens to people I've known or know now.

If something happens to any one of them, no change will come from me.

It would be a very big mistake to continue to allow any harm to come to anyone I know or have supported in the past, present, or future, in any way.

Mark my words.

I'm wise and discreet and have learned a thing or two. However, as I cried I was bleeding from my heart and it came up in a cough. Bits of blood. I felt the sobbing was like a deep bleed. I wiped my face and put those tears on that glass, facing Wenatchee, and felt my strength return.

1 comment:

  1. Cameo, I've read your blog from time to time and see that you often talk about making a change or committment, but then talk about it as though by doing so you can change someone else's behavior. If you feel you need to change, you have to do it for yourself...or for your son and yourself. Nobody else really cares. Do it for you, but don't expect others to applaud or comply if you do or to change their behaviors if you do not. Either you need to make changes or you do not. If you it regardless of what others do or do not do.

    Change can be hard. They say it takes 30 days to establish or overcome a habit. You mention God a lot; many are unable to change on their own and only mange to do so after admitting to Him they are powerless and crying out for His help. However you proceed, I wish you well.
