Monday, September 14, 2009

Not Blogging Anymore Because My Son Is Fine

I have zero need to blog at all anymore, and I also don't have anything more to say. The reason, is that my son has recovered and was a markedly different little guy today.

If my son is okay, there is nothing to say or blog. Nothing. He is all I care about and he was totally different today.

He was able to speak. He could hardly articulate anything at the last visit. He was disoriented, suffering, and unable to even speak normally. This was totally reversed today and he was talkative, peppy, and in great spirits.

The first thing he said, after I said it sounded like his cold was almost gone, was he said, "Mommy! And I don't even cry at night anymore!" He doesn't cry anymore at night. It was the best thing I have ever heard him say, besides "I love you".

Not only that, he was just himself so he kept hugging and kissing me and was normal and appropriate and in excellent spirits.

He didn't have any injuries at all, just a couple totally normal bruises but nothing at all and he looked 100%.

100% like he should.

There was nothing new or abnormal with his pigmentation, no unusual scars, no fingerprint bruises, nothing.

And he doesn't cry anymore at night.

He is speaking normally again.

Thank you.

I am so thankful, I don't have anything else to add but this, my thanks from my heart, and my desire to return good with good in any form that I can.

I have nothing more to add. Nothing more about anyone or anything. Some of my blog is fiction, some isn't, but it's the end as long as my son is in normal shape.

I don't mean I'm going to start blogging again if he has a couple of bruises. I know kids have accidents while playing, but I can say he was not in normal condition last time I saw him. Even the circles under his eyes are gone.

Thank you. Whomever I have to thank, from the deepest part of my heart, thank you so much. Thank you to so many people.

As for me, I started having the pain again when I was walking and people were driving by, but I can only say thank you. I don't care how I might suffer as much as I care about my son and for that, I have nothing more to say but God bless you and thank you, for helping one small little boy.

I want to help your kids too. I don't know what kind of nurse I'll be but I have considered either pediatrics or emergency. I am good in emergencies and calm, but I wouldn't like seeing some of the stuff. I like kids and am good with them. Aside from that, I don't know.

But thank you. Nothing is in vain, and I am on my knees, thankful to God for this good thing from my son. I know I keep going on, but this is all I want. This is what makes me not feel like blogging at all and just forgetting all the past and to quit trying to figure stuff out. This is what helps me not to feel, I don't know, that I NEED to blog for any reason.

I'm just thankful.

If I CAN, I will go through and delete most of the posts. This is the main thing I want to do, if I go back to my blog, is to start deleting things now. I could probably delete the whole thing.

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