Saturday, September 12, 2009

Some Names & Need For Protective Orders

I am seeking peace and I made that clear.

However, I also made it clear that any further attempts to directly harm me or my son would result in the release of some information on individuals who have been a part of, at least, mind games.

Yesterday, I experienced the exact same kind of burning stomach pain and back pain that I experienced in East Wenatchee. I pulled the lithium battery out of my laptop because I noticed this was bad after using the computer yesterday. I don't know why I thought that would make a difference, but with the threats I've received, if someone can cause a laptop to overcharge by connecting with this battery, in case that's true, I pulled it out.

It happened three times yesterday. It would go away and then was so severe I had to stop and ask for medication, OTCs, and it felt like the inside of my stomach lining was burning and there was a very strong pulse or heartbeat, it felt, in my actual stomach. Of course there is no heartbeat in the stomach, but when a part of the body is injured, it reacts by sending more blood to the area or there is a throbbing pulse quality.

I noticed this happened to me at at least three different times yesterday:

1. After picking up a few things from Haven of Hope. I didn't noticed anything while there, but as I was walking to the college, several cars in a row, and individuals passed by and about 2 blocks away from the college, I had such instant pain that I stopped for something to drink and some ibuprofen. This was in the morning. I had only been online in my hotel prior to leaving for Haven of Hope and I noticed no stomach or back pain while I was online in the room. So it happened sometime between Haven of Hope and the college. Then it resolved within two hours.

2. While I was at The Coast Hotel, and I did have the laptop on my lap and was feeling very bad pain so I got up and smoked a cigarette. There were many people in the room, within close proximity, but I don't know. It was extremely severe here and then when I was leaving, I had several people in cars drive by, harassing me, saying "bye, bye!" and then I also noticed one blond man in a white volvo who looked surprised I was walking even and I didn't get a good vibe. He was trying to hide his face from me.

The pain was so severe, my stomach was throbbing and it felt like it was burning inside. My lower back hurt or ached as well. It eliminates an appetite and when I tried to eat something, I felt nauseous.

After this, I wondered if it had anything to do with my laptop or the ability to supercharge my laptop if it wasn't something used that was totally separate. So I pulled the battery out, even though I was turning the computer off, and I packed the parts separately.

3. The third time it happened was while I was online and sitting down at Safeway and a few people approached me. It got bad enough that I had to use the women's restroom and I was clutching my stomach and I could feel a strong throbbing pulse sensation just by putting my hands over my belly. It hurt badly, I felt sick, and I was nauseous. It took about 3 hours to resolve.

A Few Names and Incidents

1. Mike.
The first one I'll start with was last night. A guy named "Mike" who came in, sat down, and deliberately began to harass me and tried to scare me. I have found out Safeway keeps tapes of the cameras for 48 days and I want a protective order against this individual and will have to better identify him.

He came in, sat down next to me, at around 8 p.m. or so, yesterday, which was Friday, Sept. 11, 2009, and then began a string of questions and comments which were intended to specificially intimidate me. I will be more specific:

First he was normal, I thought. I even thought, at first, that he might be slightly disabled mentally. But then as he continued, it was clear he meant to say everything he said. Either he did this alone, or, my feeling was, he was put up to it by someone else but was in on it.

He first told me his name and said it was "Mike". Then he said, "You like McDonald's, don't you?" I said, "Uh-huh" and kept typing on my post about Ireland. Then he said this town was getting big, and that he would bet I liked "Jack in the Box." He just kept talking while I was trying to type. Then he said, "Pretty soon it's going to be winter again you know." Then, "Christmas." He said, "It's going to be Christmas soon." He just said this in a creepy way. Everything was like making a point to him. Then he went on, "You like Christmas?" Then, "You know there will be snow on the ground again." Then something about hiding stuff under the snow. Stuff about, "Do you have good memories of Christmas?" or "You remember what it's like at Christmas?" Then, "Where's your baby?"

I hadn't been talking to him at all. I just let him go on and on as I was typing. Then after he said "Where's your baby" he said, "Look at all the KIDS here!" "Wow. Lots of kids, and kids are cute, huh." He said something about wanting to take me out and he'd take me to McDonalds. I never told him I had a baby and he was just bringing up stuff that made it clear he knew exactly what happened to us around Christmastime and he went on to be intimidating and implied it would be happening again, or wanted me to think about it.

He sat there and intentionally tried to scare and harass me and intimidated me. He didn't leave until some other guy came along and gave him a nod to leave and then he did.

He was shorter, about 5'6", white, with a short and very even almost filed set of teeth, dark blond with rust highlights, pot belly, and wore a white t-shirt and darker pants. His eyes were narrow and he had a small nose. Very round face. At first I sort of thought he was a Down's Syndrome guy but he's not. Sloppily dressed.

I also noticed a long string of other men, whether this is good or bad, walking past and buying a bottle of red wine. Several, and all of them one after the other, getting red wine. Then I saw some of them still in the parking lot later. Don't know what it was about. It wasn't like a group all at once. Just one guy, and then another, and then a couple, and then another, and all of it red wine.

2. Larry from Methow St.
Former neighbor who wrote a good statement for me for court but was the one who told me I'd never make it back to Wenatchee. The one who looked to the side when I asked him about gangs. Has a black, red, and white plane windmill thing in his yard with black crosses on it. Went on and on, returning my questions about gangs with questions about whether I wanted my son back or not. His wife made pork the night I was there and kept telling me to eat it. I didn't have much of an appetite.

It was when I was sitting on his porch that all the guys in blue and white had driven by saluting, before I went to Vancouver.

Larry drove me to Seattle and gave me $40 and looked back at my former Seattle housemate and they smirked at eachother over the $40 gift. It was like the two of them were aware of eachother. Her name is Shannon Borg. She was telling me not to give her a couple shirts I'd worn of guys, back. She said I was wearing her "lucky" shirt. When she turned to go, she did not look like she liked me at all.

3. Pastor of Brethern Baptist in Wenatchee.
Same pastor who brought up ZPE technology in church, and then in private, gave me $100 and said I wouldn't make it back to Wenatchee. I asked why he was saying this and he wouldn't tell me. He just kept saying I wouldn't make it back, and if I did, he'd be surprised and to give him a call if I did. Both he and Larry believed I wouldn't make it back and the impression I got, was that I wouldn't make it back alive. I don't know why either would say this unless they knew something I didn't and I don't know why someone wouldn't tell me why.

4. Some women at Haven of Hope with gang connections (don't know which or why they were hostile to me and tried to cause problems for me--I didn't complain about them even though I could have).
I was only going to bring up Teria and leave the rest behind, but because a few purposefully tried to have me kicked out so I had no place to live, and because I did experience some pain the first night I was there and it was the same thing a male housemate did to me, I am going to mention it.

(will fill this in later, as to what was done)

I have a lot of other things I could write about and people who have a lot more money and a lot of more interesting connections, but I'm not bringing any of it up, about these people who did things too, these mind games, because I am only bringing out a couple of small things, just like I said I would, if I or my son were harmed again. I don't know anything important, but I do know who has played mind games and that might point to other things, like motive for why the mind games are being played to begin with.

I'm done for now.

I want peace and want to move forward.

I don't need to be bullied or harassed or attacked anymore and neither does my son. It's give and take. I am not a doormat and neither is my son. If he isn't anything but getting healthy and secure and not afraid of being hurt, and clear headed and able to go forward himself, it's not good for anyone. My son says he wants to be with his mother and this is who is going to heal him.

No more interference. My son is left alone, and I am left alone, and every effort is made for reunification.

No one going out of their way to keep me from getting work or lying or trying to cause problems with my housing or efforts to get a job.

I am through with this. Peace and I wish you the best in everything and myself too. I think everyone should move forward and prosper and that's it.

I was surprised to find a clinic/hospital in Wenatchee is giving us all a second chance to actually work TOGETHER and in a mutually beneficial way. This is what I hope will happen. I hope other families are able to get ahead in hard times, just as I also want to get ahead and be able to heal my son.

Thanks. That's all I've got to say.


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