Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Vibe Could Be Wrong & Prayer

I feel I need to follow up on the last post. That officer, whoever she was, I didn't get the best feeling. HOWEVER, how do I know, for sure, without any kind of evidence, whether she is good or not or even where the vibe came from? Feelings are just that sometimes--feelings. Nothing more. And the other thing is, I could have been picking up on the fears of some of the others who were driving by. I've seen a lot of fear lately. Fear and worry on others' faces and I feel like I'm always trying to sidestep to make other people feel better or not be concerned.

It is true that was my first impression though. It was unnerving. Who knows. Maybe she wanted to park from a distance to see if it was true that I turned when eyes were on my back, who knows.

The other thing, is when I had a strong positive feeling in the hearing, that could have absolutely NOTHING to do with the fact that a woman and her family walked in at that moment. It could have a lot more to do with a connection I have with my son, whom I thought about and pray for, or with someone long distance or even just the need to pray period. I don't know what it's from, but I pay attention and then I let it go.

I know what I feel, but I think it's wrong for anyone to base games and judgement calls off of it. It's like there's been some kind of contest and I don't know what it's about but if I don't have a say or know about it, it's probably not something I really should have others involving me in, in any way at all.

I called for work today, and then I went to pray and then I'm going to work again.

When I got there for prayer, I just sat in silence for awhile. I didn't have any kind of vibe at all. Just nothing and just the need to wait. I prayed for general things and then when I thought about the books on the shelf, I actually started feeling a little bit of the good vibe--like I don't know if it's good or bad but it was something to pray for.

Then, I had several names come to mind. The other day I had this name "Jason" stand out in a big way. Then, the weirdest thing happened. I met him. I met the Jason I was praying for but I didn't even know his name was Jason. He showed up and I saw him and in my heart I knew "that's him". It was so odd, and it was a very good thing, and good experience. There was peace between us and I knew it but I hadn't even known what I was praying for.

When I got to the chapel I saw that there were three different kinds of roses. Pink and red next to the statue for Christ, and white for the statue for Mary. It made me think maybe there isn't a war of roses. They're all for the same thing. Peace.

I had the following names and countries come to mind today while praying. I have to say, I felt nothing different being in a chapel, but it was a quiet place to pray. I felt better when I was praying for the names and countries and locations, and then it really was sinking in when I left and was walking back. I saw there's a list of things one can pray for, for other people, which is good. I thought about it, but I spent about an hour there anyway so that was good enough. In a crowded house it's hard to find a place to pray sometimes.

I had a ton of names today. Some of them were repeats. I couldn't shake Emily for some reason. A few others:

Alburquerque, NM
Mike N.'s family
Drew (had this one the other day)
Alison (big one but I don't know why)
For example--regarding the vibe...I felt it very strongly from 12:30 p.m. PST and on, but what does that mean? I was smoking outside just thinking about the names to pray for. So I don't think it means anything except that I have a calling to pray for others.

I'm not in love with anyone, nor am I with anyone, nor have I heard anyone refer to me as their soul mate, so I think it's wrong to assume this has something to do with any man.

Last night I couldn't sleep and just kept waking up and falling asleep again. Then this morning there was an absence of any kind of vibe at all.

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