Saturday, September 12, 2009


Something missing tonight.

I had this really weird dream last night but I don't remember a dream, just the words, "we're both bleeding tonight." That's all I remember.

I feel like I don't know where everyone is. My angels in disguise--and I feel fine, not in danger, or down really, just void.

Sort of a sheet or curtain hanging in the wind feeling. I don't know how to describe it.

Things are fine, but I feel like I don't even know how to pray tonight. I don't know what to pray for, or who, and I don't feel the presence of prayer or whatever. I don't have that strong vibe for praying right now. I just feel sort of lost.

Good things around the corner maybe, but I don't know. A couple of disappointments today.

I don't know what to think. I saw a D.C. protest on t.v. today which looked sort of cool. About spending.

Then I heard a cyndi lauper song that was good, a newer one and I haven't heard her newer stuff.

Last night I felt the strong vibe briefly while I was talking about something, it came up quickly and then that was it.

I feel something is gone. I don't feel sadness, heaviness, or anything, but neither do I have the strong positive feeling.

Yesterday, all day, I did. I could feel a danger vibe and I also felt the very strong positive vibe, especially noticing it in the morning and afternoon.

I don't know why it's not there at all today but I'm stressed out and tired.

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