Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Working Today

I'm working today, at the house and outside I hope.

I don't know what's going on, but it feels like a war of the roses or something. I need a rainbow shirt or something. I don't know why everyone is noticing what I wear. I like cream colored tops, and white. With pearl earrings, and simple stuff, I've always thought it's pretty. I also like midnight blue, burgandy or crimson, dark green or turquoise, and pale yellow. Some shades of pink. Lavendar can be pretty but I never know what to wear it with. Orange looks good on me. I have one school photo though, where I wore peach. Peach everything and I just looked like a big peach. Peach shirt, peach sweater, and peach and ivory cameo earrings and broach. And my hair was permed and my make-up was peach and it's sort of hideous. I had this one suit once, which I wore to a hearing, that I really liked. It was the best skirt suit I've ever had, fitting very well, and it was solid blue and I wore it with a little silk scarf that had white, and tiny little red and yellow flowers on it. Wore it with navy blue heels. Most of my shirts now are green, which accents my hair.

Anyway, I have no clothes. I need to get some things out of storage or something. I just noticed I said "or something" about 3 times.

I'm totally cutting back on smoking. Yay! I thought about going to a mass today to just pray but I don't know where they have it for just prayer. I've put on a little weight too, which is good. I went from 113 to 118. I still look sort of skinny though. I don't think smoking helps the complexion.

I am cooking today and then doing other stuff.

Last night I was tired but I couldn't fall asleep for hours. I felt like I needed to pray but I was too tired and then when I felt that good prayer vibe and prayed, I finally fell asleep. It was a fine night. Peaceful.

So anyway, not much to say. I haven't prayed yet today or had names come up but I remember a Jason from last night (this name came to mind) and Richards. God bless Jason and God bless the Richards.

Well, that's it. The only word that came to my mind today was hallelujah. Hallelujahs and that was it. I guess it's to be thankful.

Have a good day today everyone.

Oh no. I just found out my mom didn't send me the lasanga recipe so I have to find another one. I don't know which one! I wrote, "MOM!" I asked her to send it and she didn't, saying it was expensive to make, but that's my call! So I asked her to send it over but I'll probably have to just come up with a different recipe instead.

Since I didn't pray earlier today, I've said a small prayer now and feel much better. I might try to find out about the oblate stuff. Because at least with that, one is single, but this one woman was telling me that nuns have to be virgins. So I think a nun is a virgin in truth, and a sister is maybe one which is just turning their life around, regardless of the past, and then I think an oblate is free to do anything, but I think it has something to do with still being very religious.

I am on to looking up recipes now I think and that will be all. No more time for blogging. Just have to get things done today. Lots of work to do, today and tomorrow.

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