Friday, October 9, 2009

I Quit Smoking!!!! I DID It.

This is the second day of not smoking at ALL. I was tapering down to a few inhales, and then I just quit. I still sort of think about it, but I have quit!

Now, I just want to knock off a few drinks and dance.

I have been wearing the same get-up for about 4 days. Tomorrow will be Day Five. I have been mixing it up a little, and changing things around, but everything is the same. I would rather wear slightly stylish and old and dirty, instead of sadly mismatched and ugly and clean and cheap.

One of the zippers on my well-worn boots broke. So I used safety pins. This woman said today, "Hey, like Pretty Woman." I said "what? she did that?" and she said, "Yeah, she had safety pins for her boots." I told her the difference is that I'm not a prostitute though I feel I've had some suggestions lately that I could go that direction but never have and never want to. But it cracks me up. I said, "I'm going punk rock" with the safety pins and she said "Pretty Woman". Well, if someone wants to pull up alongside of me to TALK all night and pay me $1,000 for it, I'm game. But then, I'm outta there.

I feel, as long as I have an internal panache, I am just FINE.

It's not that I have no other clothes. I just haven't gotten around to them yet.

So, the first day of wearing a re-run, I was a little embarressed. Suddenly, by Day 3 I was almost thinking it was kind of cool. And by Day 4, I felt like a real prophet.

Day 3 I felt like an eccentric gad-a-bout. Then, Day 4, I was The Prophetess. I even had a large smudge of soot or dirt next to my mouth when I checked into my room tonight.

But the thing is, I clean up well. So, my hair and body are clean and I do my make-up, and who cares what my clothes are like, or if they're the same thing, as long as they don't really stink.

Even Prince Harry, well, take a look at those brown loafers. He wears the same ones and he could afford anything. It's good, maybe, to feel comfortable in one's own skin and not worry so much about what is OVER ones skin.

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