Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Stressed Out--No Cigarettes!

I realized my reactions to stress have been worse lately because...

I quit smoking.

I haven't been smoking at all. I had maybe a couple days where I had a few inhales and that was it. Otherwise, nothing, and I just realized, I think it's why I've been freaking out more when usually my stress tolerance is really high.

I guess it really affects your system more than I thought, or nerves or something. But I'm glad I quit--I feel much, much, better. I've had plenty of people smoking around me and offering them but I turn them down. It's not even difficult.

The only part that was hard was the first couple of weeks and I just ate a lot of black licorice. English allsorts candies. Then I drank tea. Even coffee doesn't seem to be much of a trigger anymore.

I see people smoking all the time, and it doesn't make me feel like I have to fight the urge to smoke. But probably, this is because I only really smoked for less than 2 months.

I almost think it's a really bad idea to try to quit without a serious medication back-up for anxiety or stress. I guess that's why Wellbutrin or other things work so well.

I feel it will be another month at least until I'm back to myself. My system probably has to re-vamp on dopamine or something.

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