Saturday, November 21, 2009

Alvaro's Statement That I'm Not Mentally Ill

I talked to Alvaro tonight and asked if he would write a letter about how he never saw me mentally ill or behaving in such a manner, and that he also never saw me abusing narcotics.

He said he would and would do a declaration so I'm able to present it for an independent psychological evaluation and also as a defense to the other one if needed.

I also found out I may be able to start making video recordings of myself to put online for establishing what I sound like, and look like, so it is clear to others and on a public record, that there is nothing wrong with me and nothing which should be medicated.

If I were mentally ill, like Krebs' claimed, it would show up in my speech or demeanor and yet everyone here knows I'm fine, but that some have just wanted to smear me.


  1. What did Kreb's diagnose you with?

  2. That is confidential even if it's garbage--or at least it's supposed to be.

    Basically, the woman, in one hour with me, decided I was normal. After she got a lot of false claims by the Wenatchee CPS, and false medical claims (that I'm drug seeking when I'm not, or that I was "psychotic" when I went into a Seattle ER with abnormal levels of potassium and dizziness)...

    Well, with all of that, Krebs' made it clear to bend over backwards for them because she didn't just use materials but tried to overanalyse and "suggest".

    She didn't actually diagnose me with anything.

    She said "Suggests" throughout the report. No definitive conclusions because she knows it's garbage, but everything was written up in very careful legally analysed terminology.

    She admits my MMPI was normal. My parenting test was also very normal and actually superior in result.

    So the OBJECTIVE part of my evaluation, the MMPI, is normal, but she took statements from CPS and tried to say these things "suggested" I had:

    a,b,c,d,c, and e.

    She "suggested" the documentation (which has been written without evidence) "suggests" I have about 5 different disorders, all of them extreme and narcotic dependency to boot.

    Which is sort of hilarious because someone couldn't make up their mind, so went with about FIVE (?) things? AND "drug addiction".

    You know the Wenatchee workers are up to no good when the same worker who told me and "the family friend" that they were not even concerned about drug use and knew I wasn't an addict, NOW they want to say they agree I am an opiod addict which is false.

    On top of that, it's very strange that "counseling" wasn't recommended for treatment.

    She doesn't recommend counseling.

    The woman recommends medication, as if I have an organic illness.

    I think rather, that some are afraid of what might be said or documented in my counseling sessions.

    Basically, she tried to say I had everything except Multiple Personality Syndrome. Which is quite an analysis.

    What is strange, is that it is clear this was not a professional evaluation, but it's still being used as if it were.

    When I went to this woman, after I filled out the test for MMPI, guess where that test went? I was told it was to be sent out from that office, through an inbox to the mail to a different headquarters for computerized grading. A computer analysis the test and comes up with the score.

    But no, MY MMPI went right into Ms. Krebs' personal handbag and was being taken elsewhere.

    How do I know? Because I went back, after getting coffee, a half hour later, and knocked on her office door (which is in a clinic with a receptionist and mail person, etc.). I told her I wanted to review my MMPI because I answered something that stood out in my mind a particular way. She didn't want me to have the test back but finally allowed me to see it again, and where did she go to retrieve it?

    Not her desk. Not the in-out boxes. Not the mail room. Not the file.

    This woman pulled my MMPI out of her PURSE. Her own personal purse and she was about to leave her office.

    Now why, if an MMPI is sent out to a computer from the clinic, is this woman putting my test in her personal handbag?

    If she was sending it out, it would go out from her office or the front desk, in the mail.

    No psychologist would put it in their handbag unless they were planning to take it home or to be reviewed by some other person.

    This wasn't a test for her to personally "grade". A computer grades it.

    All of my info was passed between many people, who advised and "suggested" this and that, and then the Wenatchee workers sent a ton of stuff about me to her, out of context, without allowing me to even respond to it.

    A normal psychologist, if they get a lot of odd or seeming contradictory information, espeically given the fact my MMPI was normal, would go back to the person to review the new info with so explanation or clarification could be made.

    Not Ms. Lucretia Hyzy Krebs.

  3. Basically, this was the STATE's "pick" and the person they paid for.

    The state also went from saying they were paying for 16 hours evaluation time to less than 3.

    This kind of "eval" doesn't "hold up" in any kind of legal setting. It simply doesn't, and it wouldn't hold water with a psychological association either. Which is probably why she didn't dare say I HAD this and that, but only said it was "suggestive of".

    I have the right to an evaluation that is from my defense funds, if we strongly disagree with results or feel they are biased, and these are biased and unprofessional results. So I'm getting an independent one done and then we'll see.

    I don't have ANYTHING wrong with me, but for the sake of just getting through more quickly, I've said I would accept a misdiagnosis if it was somewhat rational. This one isn't though.

    And when someone is saying you must take medication for something you don't have, which she only wants to "suggest" you have, it's unethical and wrong.

    Why didn't the woman recommend counseling first? Medication is always last resort, but I would wager she and the state do not WANT actual counseling because over more hours, it would repudiate what Krebs' came up with.
