Thursday, November 12, 2009

Attorney Signed On

I found out today a notice of appearance went out to the court and should be in place by Monday. So I'll have representation then, which is good.

That done, I want to address with him the problems I've had with visitation protocol and increased time.

Just this week, I am faced again with NON-COMPLIANCE by the state workers, in following orders that state my son gets 4 hours a week with me and if a visit is missed, it is to be added on or made up ASAP.

Well, a monitor was sick and my son only gets 4 hours. So 2 hours needs to be added in and while I got a VM from a worker, claiming they will try to do this in the next coming weeks, I already know this is a line.

I know, because I overheard that very same state worker, whispering over to AG Anne McIntosh, because she was upset that since I had the last hearing continued so I could get a lawyer, she couldn't get something in.

What did she want to get in so urgently? She was asking the AG if they could still slip in a request to not have to comply with the order to make up any missed visits. The AG, for her part at least, shrugged it off.

SO I have a difficult time believing the visitation make up isn't being put off on purpose. One purpose alone--to try, once again, to minimize bonding between me and my son.

They have been doing the EXACT opposite of what they're required to do, and all of the people they hire to "monitor" visits are instructed to write things up which make it sound like I'm either mentally ill, badgering my son about bruises the whole time, or to sound as though my son has zero bond with me at all and refuses even my comfort.

It is very, very, strange. I have a whole huge group of people supporting or rooting for me, who KNOW exactly what's going on, and then this other group that is determined to lie about me and have my son removed.

I strongly question some of the actions by SOME members of my own mother's family, but I won't go into that. I will have to wait and see. Actions follow words. I have thought some actions are absolutely contrary to being supportive and contradict some of their claims. On the other hand, perhaps some of this is out of fear of what the state will do if they don't take everything spoon-fed. Then again, I have already seen what certain members will do to me out of a desire to retaliate for perceived insult. I am told they support my getting my son back, so I want to see this carried out in reality. They know very well, what things they might say or do which affect the process and who in these offices are on their side of adopting my son out to them rather than back to me.

Hopefully, this lawyer can do something about some of this.

How in the world is it "good faith" at attempts to reuinfy a parent with a child when the worker is trying to even get visit make-ups quit? Very odd.

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