Saturday, November 7, 2009

Better (and a Princess Di correction)

Things turning around a little bit I think.

I have a lawyer who is agreeing to help out. So far, so good. I also have found a couple of possibilities for places to live or move into. One I would really like, but we'll see. And then finally, the whole card thing with food got fixed right away instead of making me wait forever.

My son, isn't supposed to talk to me on the phone, because of a court order that had no reason whatsoever and was procured by CPS while I was on the East Coast in an effort to force me back to Wenatchee before I had a psych eval done over there. At any rate, I was talking to my aunt and my son kept saying HE wanted to talk to me.

For a year and a half, the state has given us no more than 4 hours a week in visitation time, even when my son repeatedly and consistently requested more time and clearly needed this as well.

The main thing I'm looking at here, is increasing time and then transitioning my son back into my care.

I'm not giving up or backing down on my son.

I want absolute full custody and there's no reason why it shouldn't be done. I am not signing away any rights under any kind of conditions and I am not for a joint custody situation either.

If any termination is filed, there will be a huge fight and a lot of evidence coming out. But so far, I don't have to worry about this, as I'm trying to "jump through" these hoops which are out there and trying to just give and take and show "progress" even though there is no mental health issue my son is at risk for, now, nor was there ever. I had health problems and so has my son, and that's it. And we both shared some distress over this, but that sums it up.

At any rate, I'm glad to be going in the right direction. It doesn't matter even, if I'm frozen out of work because eventually things will come in for me.

If I don't get support from my own family if it comes down to it, I'll fight that too, but so far, it is "said" they are all in full support of my having full custody of my son. So we'll see.

But once I have a place to set my things down, I will go through each and every visitation note, and be making my own corrections online, not for the court, or anyone else but for my own son's benefit. So HE knows what the truth was and is. That's important to me.

I had a steak tonight. I think it's cured me of my bad mood. Actually, I had a week long migraine almost and finally got it treated last night at ER and I'm really tired today but the headache is gone at least. It was a very easy treatment and wait too. Very quick and expedient and no social worker. Just very nice. Got in and out no problem and was 100% better!


I found the panorama interview online and actually, her words there are different from what I read in the transcript about her not knowing which side of the road to be on. It's somewhat different so I think it's not significant, possibly, or perhaps it is. Don't know. It's still sort of vague.

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