Saturday, November 28, 2009

Encouragement For Career Changing

Today I've had a couple of nice words of encouragement for working on my writing and artistic endeavors. They said, "That's why you're poor!" and I said, laughing, "Yeah, it's a good excuse!" "The Starving Artist". I asked the man what if he was doing what he loved, because they encouraged me to do what "you love" and the "money will follow". I said I wanted to write a book but I felt afraid to do it. I want to write something funny but I feel a little dried up and I have, my main writer's block, is that I don't know how to work on it without feel someone will be able to see my work in progress. With painting, I don't mind if anyone sees a work in progress, and with journaling, I seem to have no fear. But when it comes to an actual project or book, I feel self conscious and embarrassed to try to construct all the parts and I don't want anyone to see the mess until it's a finished work.

I've worked on a few things, but give up because it seems so slow and I don't know how to do it. I do need to get a trade job for sure, I think even, a "career" of some kind, but I LOVE the arts! My first love, for careers, if I could anything, would be helping people in some way and also being involved in the arts.

So someone suggested putting it on a memory stick and I thought that was a good idea because I could use different computers and didn't have to store anything on one computer.

If I had a little more money, I'd get an electric typewriter and use old ribbon but I can't even afford THAT right now.

But I wanted to write about an inspiring thing I heard just recently, about this man who went back to college, or went for the first time, at age 56, and finally did what he always wanted to do: teach!

So it helped me not to feel so old and to remember that people make career changes and they also start something totally new as well.

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