Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Getting Independent Psych Eval

My lawyer thinks my psych eval is fine, but while he doesn't think I should take meds, I don't think I should be stuck with an evaluation that isn't honest and is wrong.

I know one of my Aunt's had someone trying to say she was really nuts (she was the only one) and she went to someone else who was a better psychologist and he diagnosed her with GAD (generalized anxiety disorder).

I'm going to find out about him because he would know of our family medical history too.


My lawyer is a new guy. I told him while he might think my eval wasn't bad, when you contrast it with reality, it is and explained why. So I'm getting a new, independent psych eval, which is on par for this kind of thing. I'm entitled to one by the defense.

I found out the state wanted me to give them more reasons to smear me and cross their t's and dot their i's without giving ANYTHING to my SON and I told him we need to take the hearing to December which is when it was originally scheduled, and explain he was new to the case and needs to be filled in and that I'm getting an independent psych eval done in the meantime, or at least gathering materials for one to be done so we're not ready for the hearing this week. He is really new to the case and hasn't heard much but got an earful today and realized where I was coming from. I told him, "Ya know, if they had even increased visitation from 4 hours a week to 8 hours, to demonstrate they are ACTUALLY working towards reuinification and if they were doing ONE small thing for MY SON when he is so desperate, I might have gone along with something but now I think, no, we need to get our independent psych eval done. Why should I sell my soul? I have enough evidence if I need to use it, to show how the whole thing was wrong to begin with and instead, I dropped it for a little give and take but all the state demonstrates is railroading and all TAKE with ZERO give. If it's true Anne McIntosh and the department thought my son should see me more THREE MOnths AGO and they're now saying visits seem to be "better" (when they're no better, I'm only documenting them online now to keep the record straight), then WHY NOW are they not increasing visitation at all?

He said they said they might in a few weeks if I did the head exam. I said, "How does having a head exam make me better in my visits with my son?" This isn't supposed to be bribery. My son needs to see his mother more. I told him, "Besides, if I get an independent psych eval, I might not need a head exam at all. Because THIS woman claims I might have "delusions" stemming from head injury whereas this other psychologist may absolutely disagree and say there are zero delusions and therefore no need to have a head exam done."

I added, "And why was an I.Q. test needed? What's that about?" I said, "Some people just want to get inside my body and my head and try to know anything and everything they can so they can try to use it against me."

I told him, that while they claim they don't want to terminate, they know they CANNOT until they meet their obligations to provide me with services and remedy the problem. The thing is, they're not showing ME and MY SON they want to rememdy anything for him. What they are demonstrating, by refusing to increase visitation, is that all they want to do is cross their "t's" and check the boxes so they can say, "She doesn't have a head injury" and then go on to say, "It's all mental illness" and then claim I'm not curable.

I told him, "What are they going to offer me, to quench my spirit? There is no chill-pill strong enough."

I was rolling over, and willing to be a total doormat, out of fear of them. "They hold the cards" said my lawyer.

"They don't hold all the cards" I said back.

And what no one knows yet, is whether there might also be an Ace up my sleeve.

We can all make this easy and think about a little boy instead of politics, or we can get right out messy and if anyone thinks they will drag me down more, you're going with me, all the way to Hell and then, let's all hope we might climb our way back.

I told him, all I was looking for, was some small, very small sign, that they care about my SON's wishes. What HE wants and needs. But no, they showed me nothing.

You give me NOTHING, You get NOTHING. What you get, is maybe what you deserve. And while I have the continuance I'm entitled to, I know I'm not getting anymore visitation with my son while collecting MY evidence, than I'm getting while the state continues to try to smear me and move the ball along to TERMINATE my rights.

They did not show me good faith, and have not yet.

I told him, "You know, I would have probably even been willing to go along with their whole ball of wax even though it's wrong, but now I'm not. If, after I have MY independent eval from the defense side, they want to disagree and fight over which one is better, that's fine. Then, if they still want a head exam, I would probably be willing."

I have a legal right to a continuance until December because that's when the hearing was next originally scheduled for and now I have a brand new attorney who needs to be filled in on the nitty-gritty and we have EVIDENCE to collect.

So no orders should be signed, or changes made, until he has a chance to go over our case. So I just said I wasn't signing any orders and that I wanted a continuance, period, with zero changes to be made until we had collected more of my evidence and he had a chance to look it over.

I'm not going to help someone move along a case to termination. What I have done, is demonstrate my willingness in working cooperatively, to get more time with my son while jumping through hoops, and moving towards getting my son BACK.


  1. Maybe some believe you have Persecution Complex as you frequently state people are out to get you. Maybe some people find it really hard to believe that you and your family are targets as you're not a public figures. I am not purporting to know you nor your circumstances, I am proffering an explanation as to why people may be critical of you. Based on what you write, you attact some very strange people, sometimes they are drawn to nice people for sympathy, etc., so if I were you, I would be more selective of those you keep in your company to avoid more unfortunate events ocurring in your life. It appears you are really trying to get things in order to get your child back, and it's great you know to distance yourself from these characters, and hopefully you will be more aware of them ahead of time to avoid them completely. I used to attract complete freaks, and since I have become more selective, they tend to stay away. The best way, for me, is to be less trusting of people until I know them. Some of your entries detail your going to places/hitch hiking with people you don't know. I doubt you would do this with your son, but some people might think you would - and it's a safety issue. Again, not my opinion you would do this, as I don't know you, just an idea as to why people are critical. Sometimes people judge as they have a hard time separating a parent's acts alone versus with a child, unfortunately.

  2. I appreciate your comment. In a way it suggests things which others wouldn't even think of, so in a way, it is a nice defensive spin for the way I've been treated, but I choose not to take it this way.

    In many ways I have become a public figure and there are still some mysteries surrounding my family. Aside from that, I've done some very good work as a Pro Se lawyer and also in investigating certain matters which brought interest.

    I look at my family history not because I want to be "royal" or important but because enough things have happened, there are matters to be sorted out, one from the other.

    I'm an excellent mother. I hitchhiked very briefly and of course I never would with my son. Ever, of course.

    There was never any dangerous behavior whatsoever when he was with me.

    When he was no longer with me, I was sometimes almost required to act like an "espie" or spy, and do whatever I needed to do to get from A to B and survive and get evidence I needed.

    I have attracted some very strange people. That is true. It happens more often when one is vulnerable financially. In some ways, it has afforded me new insights into all kinds of people, but it has also been a disappointment too. Great stories, but I'm much, much, more cautious than I used to be. I used to think everyone was inherently good. Sometimes I did okay because I gave trust to those who didn't deserve it and maybe they felt guilty and then decided to strive to actually BE trustworthy.

    Sometimes, expecting the most and the best from others, gives people a chance to rise to the occasion. But yeah, I will be perfectly content to have a normal amount of money, car, and basic things again.

    I have to get out from under the crazy psych eval first. I have an update about this.

    Thank you for writing.

  3. I am not an expert, and I don't know you, but I don't think you are crazy. To me, you appear sensitive to other's perceptions about you, which is distracting. Maybe the distractions are a way to deal with your pain. I think you should stop caring about other's inferred or implied negative thoughts about you, and only focus on positive things and productivity to help you and your son. It's not to live in denial, just to spend your energy where it is needed. I know you feel the need to document events, but not all documented events are going to help you, (eg writing about people giving you dirty looks will only make you look paranoid, even if you aren't - it just distracts you from focusing on getting productivity as you give it undeserved time) We can all get bogged down with the negative, and it's good to understand the negative exists, and be aware of it, but if you let these people affect you, these people have control over you. Maybe they want to break you, hoping you give up. They really don't deserve the energy you give them. Maybe they even enjoy it. Think of a thoroughbred: they wear blinders when they race, not focusing on the other horses around them, only focusing on that finish line. And that's how they win. You're a thoroughbred, Cameo, don't focus on anything other than that finishline.
