Thursday, November 26, 2009

Harassed at Hospital to Join Gang--Investigation From Out of State Needed

Suprisingly, it wasn't Central Washington Hospital. It was ER staff at The Wenatchee Medical Center, the same place where the guy told me to choose A or B when babies came into ER crying.

Like I had been the cause.

Several things happened that night, including the main staff that makes wristbands, put gang information on the wristband. Then, what was strange, was then I was at The Coast Hotel, and a front desk woman there told me she wanted to cut off my wristband and throw it away for me. She went out of her way to ask for it when I was walking out the door. I said that was okay and she tried to insist. Someone wanted it back. And then, after checking my purse, I've discovered this morning that someone went through my purse and got it. It could have only been my roommate. All my ID bands from Central have been totally normal. I haven't gone back to The Wenatchee Medical Center after what happened. They told me they'd allow me to do practicum there and then I go in for the first time in forever for a migraine, and I had several nurses come in and threaten me, along with an Italian doctor who also tried to make a point. The Italian guy, however, wasn't even there when I went back the second time and was put into a room for an extended period of time.

Actually, first time I went in for migraine, my band was normal. Then it was the second time, after someone allegedly thought I had been the cause of the suffering of babies, then the next time I went in, I received the wristband with gang language on it and then I was put into a room and left there, which faced the street, and I don't know where it was coming from, but I experienced the burning pain which my son and I felt while in East Wenatchee. My lower back began to ache badly. I still remember the information on that band, but it appears someone, huh! for some reason, wanted it BACK. They were fine with me the first time, but after those babies, and after I blogged something about the babies, and blogged about being pressured to join either "A" or "B", I was then punished in the same ER with whatever same technology was used to harm me and my son in East Wenatchee. And that's the sworn truth. Central Washington, the main hospital I would actually try to sue for childbirth problems, has never done anything like this. They've had doctors try to say I don't have migraines or write bad stuff up, but no one has ever actually tried to intimidate me to join a gang, put gang information on a hosptial wristband for checking in, nor have I ever experienced any kind of pain which was similiar to that which occured in E.Wenathcee to me and my son, and also in the ER of Wenatchee Medical Center.

Because I was put in room #7, which is next to the wall outside and people were passing by back and forth, I don't know what the source was but I felt it was coming from the floor below me. I later went back to see what kind of room was immediately beneath this room, but I had a hard time figuring it out. There is an electrical boiler room of some kind in the general area underneath, but I would need a floorplan to figure it out exactly. I don't see how people walking past the window, back and forth could have had anything to do with it but I might be wrong. That day there was a lot of gang language in the ER, made to me seriously or to cause me to be afraid.

Since I'm supposedly "nuts", I may as well write out everything I know, save some important details (in case someone bumps me off).

I am neither delusional, psychotic, or paranoid schitzophrenic. If I got "inter-netted" it was between gangs somehow or because some group has thought I had all this power to do others harm when I don't and have never ordered anything bad to be done to anyone, although I say "God Bless" to whomever it is that will protect my son.

I didn't blog about almost anything for a long time, after I found out my OWN family was involved, because then, my world and reality came crashing in. If Baken was in, and told me police were and I saw my own family try to intimidate me, I was afraid of how big it was. I was afraid I would be killed.

But now, I'm supposedly nuts and need to be medicated, so you guys really left me nothing to work with. It may make me sound more nuts, but a lot of people, most, will believe me, and suddenly, it makes a hell of a lot more sense. It makes sense suddenly, how tied down this town is, and how many are involved, and how technology is used HERE and other places too, but used here freely, to keep people in line, harm, punish, intimidate, and control others.

I can fully understand why most people would see this as something sort of exciting to be in on, or, if they don't want to be a part, they know how big it is, and get involved out of pressure and to simply survive.

My choice was this:

1. You either join one of these "sides" and start contributing in some way, to one of the teams, as a single woman, OR you are having sex with some guy who is involved and he'll take responsibility for you, OR

2. You will be diagnosed as nuts and make us happy because you'll then be discredited. (Rob Force, CASA man for Wenatchee, I must add, was very insistent that I go on "trial medication" ASAP.) Hmmm.

I got pressure to be an escort or "get work" which no one said what it was, but it sounded like under the table kind of work. THAT was my future, as a single woman, in a gang. Either that, or I have to have a gang connected boyfriend who is taking care of me. If I'm not going along, or maybe not going to marry my ex from Colombia, and have some kind of male partner, then I was going to be diagnosed as mentally ill.

I was going to be diagnosed as mentally ill anyway, to cover for things from the past, but in general, things would have "been better for you and your son" if I had gone along and not wished to be independent.

A LOT of reference to the number "7" as well. Like, referring to money I said I put in book #7 when I decided not to marry Alvaro. People have been throwing "7" at me for awhile.

And while I know nothing about gangs and how they operate, I was instructed as far as knowing that "6" means silence, "1" and "2" usually mean death, and those are the important ones. I've also learned that being "in church" means something different here. When my mom and dad told me to get involved with a church, I later found out "church" is used as slang for something else. I pretty much didn't want to know anymore and put an end to my "lessons" when I yelled at my father's friend, "And I'm NOT 'LEGIT'!"

My Dad told me people just wanted to know if I was "legit" and that I had one saving grace left, to go to this family friend Mike and let him help me. It seemed like Mike just wanted me to get on mental disability too. He knew I wasn't down for whatever someone wanted me to do. After I went back to my Dad, later, I reminded him of how he told me to be legit, and I was saying I just wanted to be free and free to associate with anyone and have my son back. My Dad told me, after asking, "Whose phone are you on?" that I he never SAID this, and he told me, "You're paranoid" when I told him what Grandpa had done and how I found out HE was gang-connected. I don't know if it's gang, or mob, or mafia. It's something else is what it is.

I even went over to The Masons, in town, and they told me it was time for me to "grow up" now that I was grown up and maybe join a society.

My family isn't a big deal. What is a big deal, is what they know I'm up against, and the fact that they are trying to push me into things I don't want to be involved with. My mom writes "the truth shall set you free" and I'm thinking, "what the hell? my mom is CIA or something?" This is a catchphrase for the CIA. THEN, I sit down, dumbfounded, in absolute shock and horror to realize one day, "No, Cameo, you're Mama's not CIA. Yo Mama's gangstah baby." Or they're both. Now, that Bill Murray movie: "The Man Who Knew Too Little"...I used to watch this over and over and crack up. Now I realize, that man in that movie, was ME. I was fucking around with serious shit thinking the world was a normal level place with rules and people who, if they said they went to church, well, they might be HOLY. I sat there, saying to myself, "My MOTHER is a GANGSTER. GRANDPA and GRANNY are in a GANG." Talk about lock down. But knowing now that THEY knew something WAS happening to me and my son, I think about how they have just tried to say, with others, that I'm "paranoid" and nuts and "need help". In some ways, I know at least my mom and dad are afraid. As for my Aunt Holly, she barks at me and is so vehement, telling me "you need help" when SHE and her husband are the ones dressing my son up in gang colors and telling me to choose too, and messing with me, I'M supposed to be the nutty one. I could line up all the threats I've received, and kinds of messages they've given me, but I don't want to go into it now. I've put that somewhere else.

The worst part, is that with all the nuttiness in my family, there is a whole lot WORSE going on in other groups and people have tried to kill me. And when my mom and dad know how powerful the people are, who have control, they know as well as I do, that if they don't do certain things, my son won't be in the family at all.

Rob Force, CASA guy, knew the family friend Mike, and I guess people were supposedly going to work out a "mutual compromise" to keep me from saying anything. But you know what? that didn't happen. I didn't get increased visitation with my son, and I don't know why, but I have some ideas. Instead, they just want to railroad right on through, and terminate my rights after trying to disclaim me as mentally ill. So, yes, it works, that if I'm really mentally ill, maybe no one will believe what I'm writing about now. So people knew and have known I could talk. Making me mentally ill is a security thing for them in many ways. Not only that, blocking me out of housing and work unless I join in, assures them peace of mind that I won't get ahead in anyway and be able to defend myself, if I'm not going along with them. If I go along, they can feel assured that I'll never speak up, because they would probably want me to do something so they felt "safe" because they'd have something, then, on me. And I knew exactly where that would take me--straight to jail.

I have people in this town, trying to put me in jail for things I have not even DONE, and the minute I "joined" in and did something for people here, they would make sure that it backfired. I mean, imagine...Someone over on the East Coast wanted me to go to jail for marriage fraud and was trying to set me up. That could have been 10 years of lock up if I'd done it. Imagine how much of a threat I'd be then.

I have created some of my own problems, but I didn't ever realize how it was such a big deal. If my family had clued me in on a couple of things, a long time ago, I might have thought twice. Instead, now I have a whole bunch of people, including my family, and people who don't appreciate my inquisitive nature, who want to keep me down.

My son is, I repeat, being used a bribe. Since I don't go along, they are going to take him away from me, permanently. My son is basically being held hostage and everyone who might want to help me, seems too afraid. I guess they're concerned that what they see happening to ME might happen to THEM.

For years, I've realized, people all around knew a lot of what was happening to me was somehow gang-related, and yet no one tried to help. I was told to keep my mouth shut, but never told why. And all of these people knew what was going on, and yet many of them tried to say I was mentally ill to protect themselves.

In the meantime, everyone I've ever met knows there is nothing wrong with me and that I'm a good mom. They also know things are going on which are beyond my control. My mother still throws back at me, how I said I was disowning the family when I took my son to Canada, which indicates she and her family still have an issue with this. Are they really trying to help me get my son back? No, they're not. Because you don't go off telling the state the relative is paranoid when you know she's not. You don't withhold money to help out when you have money. However, it's been interesting, because my parents told me they received a bill for, they wanted me to know, for $313 dollars and 56 cents. Either someone is forcing my parents to pay for stuff and they can't tell me, or my parents aren't helping at all but want me to think they care.

My family isn't the main enemy, although I don't know about my mother's side anymore. I know they know people in the state offices, and I'm constanty reminded how I should be so happy and lucky my son is with my family and not with strangers. This is used to get me to keep quiet about stuff, the threat that if I complain about my aunt and uncle or the Bairds, my son will go to another family. So basically, keep your mouth shut. Meanwhile, the state goes with what my own family tries to say about me. And they have tried to keep me from talking to my son over the phone and from having increased visits. They already stated, THEY want to adopt him. When I confront my aunt with this, she said, no, they want ME to have him, but only after "you get help".

After I get HELP. Like what kind of help? What's the "treatment plan"? Medicate me or try to smear me more and THEN if I STILL don't join a gang, or get involved, I am still "not getting better"?

I want fucking audio recordings of all my visits.

This is Bull SHIT and even when I was legal to try to record, I had people at those state offices using literally, devices which caused my electronics to all shut off at the same time, or get disrupted.

I want a whole new crew, from out of state, to get involved in this.

If I am so mentally ill, the state should WANT my visits recorded because it helps their case. If I'm not mentally ill, the recordings will confirm this and they will confirm exactly what my visits with my son are like.

And again, my family, while not exactly being helpful, are not as bad as the state workers who are involved in gangs and wear colors accordingly, and who ABUSE THEIR AUTHORITY by using their positions to screw someone over for other reasons and for favors. The real problem, is those who are employed by the government who are entangled. Because they are the ones with power, but they're corrupt and they can be bought and sold to the highest bidder.

I have thought some of my problems were coming from offending religious groups. I still know this is true and this is when I was first harassed and defamed, however, gangs got involved, and if someone ever thought I was in one or my family was, or someone who cared about me, they would have gone after me for this reason.

I wouldn't put someone from NW brances of the FBI on this either. There are probably some good people, but my opinion is that they're outnumbered and half of them are in on the same thing. I bring up FBI considering the state of the offices here.

Who knows. CIA uses mob activity to cover for themselves, and mobs blame other mobs, and even other investigative agencies do things for other ones...People will still kill and harm others over religion or perceived religious insults...And it becomes difficult to know what anyone is really about. People are mixed up in more than one thing and then it gets tangled. I don't believe my son was purposefully hurt out of religious reasons though. I think others got involved to do this, and it's been people of any race or religion. It makes no difference from what I can tell. And people from any race and religion have been friendly to me and have also tried to help my son. I know this.

What I know for sure, is that people on the East Coast didn't think I had much hope, going back to Wenatchee. But I had problems with safety there too, but still, they knew things were locked down in the case over my son.

I believe people have used Wenatchee to further an agenda which was begun some time ago. If they can use others here, to try to get a mental illness diagnostic, it benefits people who tried to make this claim long ago. It ALSO happens to benefit some groups in Wenatchee. So it's win-win for them. For my family, they were pretty much hands off and helped me out for awhile but I never knew what I was getting into, in offending some groups. I didn't think anything I did was that big of a deal.

I had a few strange things happen even when I was in high school, but never really noticed full-on harassment later, until I spoke up about the Abbey. The only person I imagine I could have hurt back in high school was an ex-boyfriend whose family maybe had their own connections, I don't know. Other than this, there was nothing really going on until later. So I don't know.

I just know that, whether someone is from government or not, I'm thankful to those individuals who go out of their way to negotiate my son's safety and who protect him when he is protected. And since I am his mother and have always been most able to ascertain whether he's doing okay or not, I am the only one who speaks up, and if I didn't, the right people wouldn't know, who might come to his defense.

I know a lot of people know plenty about my son. They just come by their intelligence in ways they can't reveal or share, but they know.

I hope my son is reuinited with me, and that both of us can go on to be safe and live productive lives, but it seems most people don't think it will happen in Wenatchee, and yet, I still see support for me, by some, in Wenatchee.

I am hoping that I can just press forward, and do whatever I need to do, to show my son HAS been "at risk" but not because of me, or at my hands. My son is best protected by me, because I will do what it takes to make sure he is safe or that people know he is NOT safe. I do what I can, and I've never been a hypochondriac. It is true that he and I were injured in childbirth and aside from that, we should be able to move forward. Why would anyone go to such lengths in defense of a medical malpractice lawsuit anyway? I don't think it is just this. The medical issues are just a way to get my son and try to get to me. My family would be more supportive of me if I were married. They know I don't have any mental issues, but they want to displace me to this for whatever reason. I guess because we've had rows and I've offended them, and they then didn't want to help me.

I know my son is not safer with someone other than me. But I and my son might be safer living in another area.

However, I think some people don't like how you can't away with very much in this town, without notice, and I have some people wanting me to "go out of the area" again for neurological work up.

Sure, so I can be in a larger city where it's easier for someone to try something again.

Judge Hotchkiss suggested I might want to go out of the area because I wouldn't want someone in Wenatchee. I never said that. A neuro exam is a neuro exam. It really makes no difference. There is either brain damage on the scan or not, period. The scan isn't going to change whether I am in Wenatchee or some other area. And as for any other kind of somewhat subjective evaluation, there's really not much which could be said against me. The neurological exam should be done in Wenatchee and I'm not going out of the area to have it done when the same thing will be accomplished here.

I have migraines. I don't have any other neurological deficit. I don't believe I need to go "out of the area" to have someone do an exam. I don't believe it's warranted at all, when I've already been diagnosed with migraine and continue to have them, and I'm treated well by an ergotamaine/light narcotic remedy. They aren't an issue with this kind of treatment. The ergotamine saved me. Although I do know, even though I'm not using drugs, that marijuana prevents them altogether.

As for speech and any other kind of neurological thing, there is nothing that will turn up on an evaluation. And the scan, CT, MRI, or PET, will just show the same thing, regardless of where it's taken. I believer Dr. Graves is a good doctor and if he's a neurologist, I would go to him. I also know Dr. Shipman was willing to be professional, even long ago, in trying to treat my migraines.

These people know I don't have brain damage.

What they want is this--to say I was narcotic dependent even if I wasn't, but maybe that this isn't "the issue" now. Then they want to say there is no brain damage. Then, after they rule that out, they want to just blame everything on psychological illness, which I don't have, but then will try to force me to be medicated for something I don't have.

Which, like I've said before, is not only illegal and unethical, but a sin.

In the midst of this, the Judge refuses to allow an independent psych eval from defense funds? I actually think my lawyer doesn't even have to ask for an independent eval monies. He already RECEIVES a pot of money, and he can use it at will. It should be used for an independent parenting evaluation and for an independent psychological evaluation.

I love my parents. I love my Dad too, for being willing to pay, out of pocket, for a hair analysis to prove I don't do drugs. What I feel is hurtful is to be told I'm paranoid or that I don't remember something correctly simply because I don't know what to do and I'm trying to do the best I can as it is, without involving myself in other matters. My father knows the state people are trying to screw me over. What he doesn't know, is that many of these people are on my mother's family's side. Including the Judge. Or, maybe not the Judge entirely. I don't know. I know he was more generous in how he ruled from the bench when I was engaged to my ex from Colombia. After we broke it off, the state workers and the Judge and everyone, immediately went back to the way they were before. And they tried to dump more stuff on me besides. The reaction was absolutely instantaneous. As SOON as I asked Alvaro to leave, because he'd been unfaithful and wasn't honest about it with me, it was just all over. Then they left a tiny bit of room open in case I got back together with him I guess. But if I didn't, too bad for Oliver.

They don't care about my son AT ALL.

The only people who could have helped me would have been my own family, if they'd rallied around me, but they don't want to invest the money in ME, when they all think my son is doing fine with Holly and Pablo. My Dad knows I've been frozen out of work and housing. He knows this. He has tried to help, in some ways. And so has my mother, I hope. I don't know for sure, because I know her sister Holly hasn't done anything to really support me or encourage the state about how my son needs to be with me.

But, I feel they are also under pressure by people in the state, in some ways. At least I like to think so. I want to believe my family is just intimidated and fearful and that they fully support me, this is what I want to believe. I know they know my son has suffered. But I also believe they have not been able to let go of their grudges. I have forgiven them, but they do not forgive me.

I truly believe that if my Dad especially, knew some of the pranks that were being pulled over here, he wouldn't know what to say. I think he thinks he knows about everything and yet he doesn't even know that he's probably being lied to as well. I don't know that my own family understands the magnitude, but even if they did, would they then be supportive? I don't know. My mother and father wrote a statement for me stating they DO believe my son should be with ME. But they say, "after evaluations and treatment" and I have housing and work. How can I get housing and work when I'm frozen out? And then the state wants to take my unemployment away too? AND declare me "unfit" or "unable" to work? My family KNOWS I am not mentally ill and the fact that they want to say I am is what bothers me most about this. THEY KNOW I'm not. I don't know why they would do this to me, unless it is for the still held 'insult' of my saying anything about my family or in trying to leave for Canada. I don't even know why they'd care. They didn't care about my son before, not much. I like to believe that if my family really knew all the things I've been through, they'd be shocked and aghast, and would run to my aid. THIS is what I WANT to believe. With all of my heart. And yet I really don't know anymore.

I love you Oliver. This is your mama, and I am fighting for you and love you very, very, much, and I am praying you will have your voice heard and obeyed.

I'm going to go back and detail our last visit, from Wednesday, yesterday.

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