Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I Didn't Do It (Another Car Crash)

Hmm. I will start this day out with "It wasn't me!" and "I didn't do it!"

There was a car crash as I was walking by this morning.

I'd like to think it's because I'm such a stunning knock-out, people can't keep their eyes on the road. But maybe someone was just trying to get a better look at my broken boots. I dunno.

It was just a fender-bender really. I was just walking along on the other side of the street and one car barely bumped the other and then the chain reaction was that 3cars were rolling into eachother and got banged up just a little. It was so light I couldn't imagine anyone was hurt but I stood there and later noticed there was a little old lady in one car so I should have gone over but by that time the ambulance was there. They didn't even have their sirens on bc it was so low-key.

I gave my statement of how everyone was just stopping for a stop sign and then there was a back-up and that was it.

I swore up and down to the ambulance man, that I wasn't a black cat. I swear! And then the police got there and the first thing the guy says is, "You look familiar." What EVERY pedestrian wants to hear from a cop. I said, "Yeah, I've been a witness to a few car crashes and if I'm not a witness I've been a victim." He just looked at me, then looked at the pile up, and then looked at me...and said nothing. I said, "Can we keep this on the low? I don't want people thinking I'm bad luck or something." He got a slight smile on his face then.

No one is going to make me patron saint of Road & Railways now.

But really, it was super super light. I mean, it was like a little parking lot thing where everyone was probably going about 2 miles an hour. No big deal. Still. But then this lady who lives along the street told me it happens all the time there because people don't realize the stop light can back things up so far back. That made me feel a little better. She said just the other day there was another fender-bender.

This morning I listened to alternative music. Heard some really good songs and especially touching was "A Dustland Fairytale" by The Killers. I forgot how much I like that song. I also liked The Strokes "Reptilia", and Cage The Elephant's "Back Against The Wall" and 30 Seconds to Mars' "Kings and Queens" and Panic at the Disco's "New Perspective" and The Almost's "Hands" and Tat's "I Don't Want To (love you)."

I woke up in the middle of the night again, or mid-morning and then fell back asleep. At about 2-4 or so in the morning. Then I woke at about 5 or 6 and was going to get up but just stayed in bed longer. It hasn't happened for a few days but it happened again last night. I felt less of the sadness vibe this morning too. In fact, it was gone. I mean, I have some serious issues going on right now, but still, something was a little bit better. Maybe not 100% but better. It's just a beautiful sunny fall day. Another day where I would like to be out taking a walk in the fall foliage somewhere beautiful with lots of colorful trees next to water. Ummm...don't get the idea that I'm the hunting, sporting, girl-of-the-grass type. I would like to take a walk for about 4 hours tops and then go back inside where it's warm. Maybe if I were mixing it up with riding or something, but I think I like the nighlife. But you know, I'm new to drinking and mixing that with the great outdoors might be a way to stave off the cold.

My lawyer said I need a house and a job for my son. I think I do need a house, but as for a job, there are a LOT of families without jobs right now! If I don't get hired, I still think I should have my son. It's Hard Times now. I'm still trying, but if my lipstick schmear on my application for cashier at the college isn't enough to make it "shine", I don't know what else to do. Yeah, yeah, keep trying. Yeah yeah. But yeah, I might need to be "on the lamb" for awhile and if so, how does this harm my son? Then he has the best daycare ever (me) as I'm getting college or other monies. I'm doing what I can.

So anyway, that's enough blogging for now since I'm doing what I can. If I think of something funny to write about, I'll write. Funny is good. Everyone needs funny in these times.

Oh, one thing that's not funny is it's starting to look like I need a hair transplant.

I am LOSING a LOT of frickin' hair to hair analysis and tests. I ran my hand through my hair last night and it feels like I've got mange.

First I had a HUGE clump cut from my scalp to test for arsenic poisoing from my exciting adventures in Seattle (not going back there without some serious bodyguard back-up), and NOW, after last night, I only have half the hair I used to have. This time, they took little segments from all OVER my head. I have all these little butchy patches all over my head and if I do anymore hair tests I'll end up with enough hair like one of those Chinese guys where the head is shaved and there is just this really long tail. And how could I donate that to Hair for Hope for kids? They do only specify length and not "amount" of hair that's donated to places like Locks of Love, but I don't know. I really do not, after this whole thing is over, want to have to cut my hair any shorter than chin length. A bob might be alright, but I don't want to have to do a Sinead O'Connor. I tried it and thought my face was pretty enough but it's NOT. I found out!

I keep listening to "A Dustland Fairytale". Concurrently playing where I'm seated is "You Found Me" by The Fray.

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