Monday, November 9, 2009

Landlord Thinks Washington State Needs Co-signer

I just got word!

The State of Washington needs a co-signer. Geez-beleez. I knew we were all BROKE but HELL.

I tried to rent a place and the whole deal, is that the state PAYS for everything. Up to 6 months worth. I was told, once again, it was no problem. Then, after days passed and I was delayed again, I was told I couldn't rent from them. What a surprise. THEN, I found out, they decided, I COULD rent from them, IF I had a CO-SIGNER.

Huh? Wait. The state is paying for this and you want a fuckin' co-signer? For who?! The state? Because, you know, the state probably won't pay the rent after all?

Okay, it's just me. I was told no one else could stay at the place. So it's ME on the lease. But I'm not paying a dime, and it's all guaranteed by the state, and you take Section frickin' 8 (?!) but need a CO-SIGNER on this one???

Alright daddy. Daddio. Guess who my co-signer of choice is?

A married man. Will that look bad? He doesn't hide me from his wife either, because there is such a thing as friends. (Uh-yeah, haven't checked with him about this yet, ahem.)

Or does the complex only take fiance co-signers or family co-signers or female-female co-signers?

Oh, I guess I won't pass the background check now. Even though I already passed it for another application and the guy then tells me I don't "qualify" because I don't meet employment standards. That was the nice Wenatchee corrections officer man. Real nice guy. Told me on a Thursday no problem, and then by Sunday, looks great, just need your reference phone numbers. Suddenly, on Monday, no deal because, he said, I was unemployed. The dude knew this on THURSDAY.

So why make me apply and have all these days pass knowing I had nothing inbetween?

This has happened to me FOUR times now.

And then I have the people who are handling the money for this thing, at community action, trying to get me to sign, over and over again, PRESSURING me to sign a ONE YEAR contract on a STUDIO when they know my son cannot be transitioned into a STUDIO.

The state will only allow children in one-bedroom apartments and doesn't permit studios.

I have said this over and over, that my goal is getting my son back and having him live with me.

So I'm going to go to a Judge with a one-year contract on a studio that my son can't live in and what will the judge say? He would say, maybe after the contract is up, or if I break it, or where will my son stay?

They keep saying to me, "We can get you into a STUDIO RIGHT AWAY." Knowing a studio will keep me from having my son with me. Then I was told, today, that maybe a studio could get swapped for a one-bedroom if one came up. I know how THAT would play out, given this already impossible drama in just getting straight word on an apartment...It would go something like this: "You're on a waiting list and we have others ahead of you in line for the one-bedrooms." Or, one would never turn up. Fuck THAT.

What this delightful strategy does, keeping me from getting into a normal one-bedroom apartment without hassle, is that it keeps me afloat and unable to ground for a hearing and this custody matter. It gives me no place to settle, and I spend my time, instead of on court matters, trying to find a place to move into.

Nice work Wenatchee! THUMBS UP!

Trying to squeeze me isn't going to work. Sorry.

Meanwhile, my son is desperately trying to get more time with his mother and you should know how this affecting him. I will write about it in the next post, about our visit.

I am fortunate at all, that I have someone to stay with right now, but this can't go on forever. For whatever reason that I've been in danger for, in the past, I think it is good if I'm not alone, but if I need a bodyguard, the state or federal government should provide me with a frickin' bodyguard--I'm not asking for a live-in lover. Not that the government is giving me either one, haha. And not that I've been a live-in lover for people I've stayed with either, but it's not realistic to think I'm just going to pad down with someone indefinitely and not have my own place for my son.

I want my SON! Is this so hard? Why is this SO hard? Why is it so difficult for people to be okay with the idea that I, as a single mother, should be with her son and my son with me? If there is something which is dangerous which should be taken care of, it should be taken care of, but my son and I should be free to live a normal life I would think. I don't know why this is seemingly impossible. And why wouldn't anyone want this for us? I don't know why not.

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