Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Light Classical For The Unemployed

I got up late, because it doesn't really matter.
I ate late, because it doesn't really matter.
I turned on classical music and had 3 cups of mocha lattes, because it doesn't really matter.

I may as well stop thinking of myself as unemployed and begin to embrace the bourgesiou (maybe after I can spell that word) lifestyle.

I heard some good pieces this morning. I liked:

Vivaldi's "Concerto in B Flat Major",

and Un Train de Plaisir from The Barber of Seville (made me think of my son),

Scarlatti's Sonatta K 162 in E Major, piano by Vladimir Horowitz,

and I heard The Flight of the Bumblebee but didn't recognize it. I liked it, so I had to get up to look at the title but as I was walking over I had been thinking it sounded like a windstorm from a Snoopy's episode where maybe Snoopy's mail was up in a windstorm and flying around out of reach. Snoopy came to mind.

I also really like the sweeping Suite No. 1/Dance by Glazunov (Evgney). I don't know if it's a waltz? but if I knew how to waltz I would like to dance to this one, in a large ballroom with plenty of space and a gown with a skirt that is attached to the wrist.

I got really excited about the Wenatchee World's article about a huge Paella Party and I was getting hungry, looking at the photo of this huge bowl of paella with mussels and clams and calamari, and I was thinking, "I am SO THERE" and then I click on the article and they were just covering some event over in CHICAGO of all things. I had my hopes up!

Well, I am only partly joking about how "it doesn't matter". I am still getting things done, every day, working on getting things done. But, for once, I gave myself a small break.

If I get a job in this town, it's not going to be because I was working so hard to get one. I looked and put out applications for months and months and months and I already have strikes against me in that employment pool.

Then I put forth another effort to get work yesterday, at the college, and was told to make my resume "shine" because there were already 100 other applicants. Make MINE "shine"?

How the hell do I make an application for cashier shine? I haven't been a cashier at a 7-11 for decades, or any cashier. I can't say I'm a Cashier Careerist. Should I put down how I once won an award for most rhythmic typist and how that transfers well to the cashier world? Ka-ching?! How that drawer opening is like music to my ears and reminds me of the good old days when I used a manual iron typewriter, The Royal, and got such satisfaction at pushing the carriage over?

"I know you have a lot of people applying for this job, but I am the perfect candidate because I have not only got seniority in looking the hardest for the longest period of time for work (oh no! not desperate and unhirable at all!), having walked at least 1,000 miles or more in broken boots, but I am also a dedicated cashier who is interested in making a career out of the cashier position and giving your college the MOST bang for its buck. Ahem. (cough)."

I have no idea. How the hell do I make my application for cashier "shine"? Fancy glossy paper?

Being personable and attractive isn't going to really get me any further. This is a town where you can find bartenders without teeth, who might even be really rude, but it's who you know. Usually, I have to say, the bartenders around here are not rude, but I did meet one, who I guess isn't there any longer, but still!

It is going to be very, very, tough competition when I am not even "from" this town and don't really know people and you have about 100 people applying for things like "cashier".

Still, I am doing what I can do. But you see, why I might, after all my hard work trying to find a one bedroom and work as well, why I might just want to stay at home and have a glass of reisling in the morning or 3 cups of coffee, and just listen to music or sleep in and call it good?

Oh, this one is gorgeous...I had to get up to look. It was Bach's "Suite No. 1 in G Major for Cello/Prelude" performed by Yo-Yo Ma.

Well, in the spirit of unemployment I am going to pass on my "How I Quit Smoking" tips, since, well, prices on cigarettes are up and you know, "It's the economy" has become the catch-phrase of the year.

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