Friday, November 27, 2009

More Family

I guess my hispanic grandma and uncle know something about my situation with my son and might want to help. They know more about the area I guess and they're really nice. My grandma was my grandfather's second wife, but she was always the grandma I knew growing up and she's Mexican.

I decided to start writing to other relatives I haven't contacted yet, just for support on getting my son back.

I called my ex and asked why he laughed about my not getting more visitation and he said he didn't laugh or didn't mean it that way. He said he wants me to have my son back and keeps asking what the attorneys are doing here in Wenatchee. I told him I don't know because I had liked my lawyer until he did all these things which favored the state, and then I had liked the AG until she tried to take everything away from my son and didn't even want to increase the visitation time (when she said she thought it was right to do so 3 months ago). It might be true he wasn't really laughing about this, because maybe the whole thing just sounded comedic to him because I had just told him how they tried to diagnose me and then that they weren't increasing visits. He knows I'm not mentally ill like that, so maybe it just sounded too bizarre and struck his funnybone. I don't know. I don't know why the AG would suddenly be so against my son's rights.

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