Sunday, November 15, 2009

Music & Other Things (Bizarre Dream)

This morning I listened to the light classical station and made notes of more favorites. The other day when I heard Debussy's piece that I liked so much, I then heard some Vivaldi which I really liked.

I guess Vivaldi does this a lot too, using alternating tempo. I liked Vivaldi's "Concerto No. 4 in G Major--opus 10." I used to have, when I was younger, a tape set of Vivaldi's 4 seasons. I think it's something like that? four seasons? Or maybe just titled Spring and Fall, etc? I had three composers in my collection of tapes: Mozart, Vivaldi, and Tchaicovsky. Tchai & Mozart are the only ones I can hum to, note for note. Some of the pieces at least.

I also like Grieg (Peer Gynt Suite/Solveig's Song/Polish Radio Symphonic Orchestra) and I heard one by Hadyn I liked today and one by Handel that I liked "Water Music suite No. 1 in F".

Now I've switched to pop wanted to hear the Ting-Tings "Shut Up And Let Me Go!" I like this one and it's been in my head. After them, I'll probably listen to Lily Allen. Maybe even some Britney Spears.

I finally had a bizarre dream. Last night I had this dream that I was on a wall, walking along the top of a very wide wall. Like Berlin or Israel-Palest wall, just a huge wall, and we were all in a line, passing food around and had been there forever. Very long dream. I got to know this man and he decided he wanted me to adopt his kids. The WEIRD thing is, in my dream, I saw his surname. But it's nothing common and I looked it up and can't find it hardly anywhere. Wetons.

So this man was older and sort of less than normal intelligence and wanted me to adopt his two boys, The Wetons, because the state was going to take them. They were older, about 7 and 11 and he knew I was a single mom with a boy. At the end of my dream, I said I would but maybe he could stay with them and nothing would change or an arrangement could be worked out and some man in the distance, watching, was nodding with approval or something and then the slightly less than normal intelligence guy said okay, but it was still okay with him if I adopted them. Then I woke up. The Wetons. I saw it spelled out. Who the hell are the Wetons? I have no idea. I know it's just a random dream, but where in the world weton popped into my subconcious I've no idea. I haven't read or seen anything about anyone with the last name "weton". Or maybe I did and didn't notice. No idea.

Yesterday I was hung over for maybe the 5th time in my life ever. Actually, I think I've been hung over less than that. It was riesling and I think it must be like champagne, that nasty kind of headache. I've truly had very few hangovers in my life. I try to avoid it at all costs. But I was hung over until I tried the old "having another drink to get rid of this" trick. It sort of worked, after I had dinner.

I really had clams and linguinge in a white sauce coming to mind, over and over. Clams and linguine. It was in my heart and then we went out and I got the closest thing: prawns and fettucine. It was really good.

I went through my foodstamps, for the second time in my life, much too fast. Either my tastes are more expensive now, or food costs more. I guess I shouldn't have bought the clams. I bought a bunch of live fresh clams and cooked them at home. They cost a lot but I was craving clams. I told this friend today, I once went on a fish and chips crave that lasted at least a month. Lately, I just want mussels and clams and...where are the OYSTERS??? On the same night that I ate a ton of clams with butter and lemon, I made steak with sauteed onions. I'm getting fatter! I have to slow down now that I'm not smoking.

I had another frickin' Pizza Premonition last night, before I had dinner. I saw this ad for pizza on t.v. and said, "Oh, that looks SO good right now." I stepped outside to knock on a door to return some salt and pepper and who comes in down below? The pizza delivery man, when I was starving. It wasn't really a premonition though, I just saw it on t.v. first and then he was at the door and I was so pissed. I wanted a piece. But then we went out and I had prawns and fettucine.

I was going to go to church today but didn't have a phone for calling. I'm going to a peace meeting today thought. It's just another reason for me to be in a file somewhere. Peace is so RADICAL!

I've felt pretty positive and everything, the last couple of days. Not that sad vibe so much. I feel, as soon as I say this, it might come back! I noticed it on the night I talked to my ex but I don't know that it was about him. After speaking with him, I actually felt better. I went around swearing repeatedly for awhile and then felt better and went to bed. And had the most monstrous hangover the next day, yesterday, so that I was in the tub or napping all day. My head! I feel much better. I think I needed that--a little break and rest.

I am craving clams again. On the half shell. I either always want tortilla chips and fresh salsa or seafood.

Listening to The Tings-Tings "That's Not My Name". I love the rhythms of the Ting-Tings.

I am happy about the news that Mexico decriminalized use of marijuana! Hooray for Mexico. It was a really smart move. I hope they totally commercialize it and give people legit work and somehow create something win-win for everyone.

I have been noticing my Mees Lines in my nails a little bit. I am newly thinking I need to go to this independent doc who specializes in this thing because the state worker was smirking when she gave me copies of the "results" from seattle where they just I was nuts. So this pesticide specialist saw me and said it's pretty clear I had SOME kind of heavy metal poisoning, but he said if they only tested for ONE thing, it wouldn't pick up other things, nor would it pick up slightly different variants. So I have to go to this other guy for confirmation because the state is going to try to use these seattle reports, possibly, against me. IF they do, I have to have someone independent confirming I'm not paranoid and that what happened, really did happen. The lines are actually more noticeable NOW than they were, especially on my thumbs for some reason. It takes up 1/3 of my nail the stripe is that wide. I don't need to find out who or what caused it, I just have to show, if I am contested as imagining something is wrong that isn't there, that it is possible something happened. So I don't have to prove anyone wrong, just have to show I'm not being psychotic or whatever, if necessary.

I have been looking up recipes. I think I'm getting into food. I used to be into gardening but now I'm into painting and the idea of cooking. I liked potted gardens or tending a small kitchen garden, but that's about it these days. I think I'd rather do more cooking.

So I have wondered where the ideas have come to me, to add certain things together which I haven't seen together before, or read about (until after I did it).

I added hard boiled eggs to a steak salad. I thought this was very strange, eggs with steak and then I looked it up. It's done!

I ate clams as an appetizer to sirloin steak and sauteed onions and found's done! I guess at clam bakes especially. I think clam bakes would be a nice tradition to have.

I like looking up the origins of food recipes so I've done some looking. I have no idea why clams and linguine came to mind so strongly the other day, last night. I haven't had it before I don't think, but I kept seeing it. I could see it, taste it...

I've had some very, very, french and authentic Italian seafood-pasta dishes. In Portland, Oregon, there's a good french restaurant or I think it went out of business: le boucheron? Then an Italian cook who was visiting Wenatchee from Naples, Italy made a real Italian dinner with I think, linguine and prawns with pepper and it was slightly spicy and so good! THE best Italian food I've ever had in my life. It was when I decided I liked Italian food afterall.

There are a lot of new things I'd like to try. Instead of picking up a Princess Di book, today I went to the bookstore and it was Bon Appetit! (the large book) that caught my eye. I think, probably, I'd most like to try eating some of these things, rather than just cooking, but if I have to cook to try it...I will!

I listened to The Tings-Ting's "Shut Up and Let Me Go" and "That's Not My Name" but I HATE "We Started Nothing". If I'd heard this song first, I would have said the band lived up to this proclamation. I like some of Lily Allen too, but not everything. I like "It's Not Fair."

I've decided I have to pack my days full, even if it's for volunteer stuff. It's the only way I am able to stick to a schedule, is to fill it up and know that I must pay attention, at all times, to the time.

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