Monday, November 2, 2009

New Way Of Jumping Through Hoops

I was walking out of my apartment after writing the last part about being asked to jump through impossible hoops. Or jump through hoops which are impossible to jump through, rather.

I then see this guy cross the intersection on a frickin' unicycle. I started to laugh. This other man passing me said, "I've never seen that before here" and I thought to myself, "Why jump through hoops when you can ride them?!"


Then, I passed a guy blowing leaves from the sidewalk and I told him my hair was still wet...And could he spare a few moments to dry out my hair?

He looked at me, and said, sort of laughing, sort of worried, "Are you serious?" I said, "Of course not!" He laughed, kind of, looking at me. COME ON, do you people think I am THAT disturbed? Blow dry my HAIR on the sidewalk with a leaves blower?!!! (Yes, I just wanted my own Wayne's World moment.) No, I told him, laughing, that I was just joking around. But I think he wondered because I had my hair twisted up in a pen and then I let it down for effect when I asked him. Like I was ready to go for the blow dry.

Well, I have a confession to make. Hmmm...I think I've decided to keep it to myself.

Anyway, if I write about my son's stuff, I'll mainly focus on the visitation notes and my parenting because THIS is what really bothers, if my son were to read it, he would think our interactions were totally different and I don't like that. Sure, I'm a little bit nuts, but I'm not disabled number 1 and number 2, I'm a very good mother and our visits and interactions are always excellent. I would be a dream nanny or mother for any child (hmmm...unless they get embarressed very easily I suppose).

I keep listening to "Use Somebody" by Kings of Leon. I don't know why I didn't really notice them until lately. I looked them up yesterday. I was really suprised because I figured they were English but they're Americans who make it in the UK first. I guess everybody already knew that but I was listening to some of their music yesterday and this morning. They remind me of U2 and Coldplay in their anthem-like ballads. Very driving.

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