Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Not Manic! Just Bored!

Yes, I'm blogging again. But it's because I have spent almost 4 weeks looking for work and housing. Well, work all along, but the housing lately, and keep sort of getting screwed out of apartments at the last minute. So! The last couple of days I just HAD it. Decided I would blog just a little bit. The potential is always there, my writing...I just lay it aside when I'm hopeful something else is on the horizon.

I went from listening to A Dusty Fairytale or whatever to Panic at the Disco's "New Perspective" over and over. I have nothing interesting to write about either. I'm just writing for the hell of it. Though I should document a couple things about what I'm trying to accomplish to get my son back. Just basics.

So, next post, about lawyer.

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