Friday, November 27, 2009

Noticed A Gifted Student Yesterday

To record: yesterday I was walking by and ran into this young woman who is in 8th grade whom I had talked to very briefly in passing once. She was outside with her brother and they started talking when their dog came over to me.

After less than 5 minutes, I said, "You're smart, aren't you?" and she nodded. I said, "I'll bet you're getting A's in school" and she said A's and some B's. I asked her if she was in TAG or a talented and gifted program and she said no. Then, she spoke up and said she was in honors courses that were high school level.

I asked her what she wanted to do and she said: Fireman, (forgot one), and Doctor. I don't know how I knew she was smart when she'd said less than 2 sentences, but somehow I did. It was strange, but I encouraged her in her academics and told her to tell her parents I commented. She said her Dad is a teacher.

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