Monday, November 16, 2009

Oliver Was Sick! With 104+ Temp

Well, I just blazoned this onto headlines because I JUST found out, I was RIGHT! My son WAS piqued and drawn and thinner. I KNEW he'd lost weight and I'm NOT a hypochondriac or paranoid.

I found out he DID and he was NOT eating hardly at all, and had a temperature of 104 for TWO days in a row and they even called a doctor about it. I asked them if they took him to a clinic and they said no, they did call a doctor though.

But what do you know? The mother knew.

And I KNEW something was wrong even last Thursday when I saw him because he wasn't even eating much then. I guess he didn't have a fever yet.

But I said, he was also acting emotionally traumatized and like he'd been alone and they said he was doing better. I said they should have CALLED me if Oliver was that sick because I could have comforted him.

I just wanted to make a point because I really do notice how my son is doing, like no one else. I could tell, from the phone over the Coasts, if he was getting sick or not. I just knew.

I know the Avilas took care of him but it's really wrong that he was that sick and I wasn't notified.

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