Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Psych Eval Results By Lucretia Kreb

This is for those who know me and understand what I've been through and how certain groups are not even interested in a compromise but a full-on blow-out of my reputation and credibility:

I think Ms. Kreb is interested in retirement. Or, who knows, continued substance from the state. Her profile of me was exceedingly harsh, however, I would take a couple of things into consideration, one being she got a lot of lies about me from the state.

So, in her 1 1/2 hour sit-down with me, I do not believe the woman has any means for determining whether I am mentally ill or not.

Not only that, she is never around me on a daily basis, and has no way of knowing what I am like from day to day, other than her reading of the state's account.

She claims not to know if I might have a disorder, but "suggests" I have an entire host of problems, which lays a foundation for a psychiatrist to come to a conclusion.

While she claims not to know, and has no evidence for making a diagnosis, she doesn't just recommend I go to a psychiatrist, but that "Ms. Garrett must agree...(to a) trial of psychiatric medication. If she has a positive response to psychiatric medications she must further agree to adhere with the treatement regimen and to regular medication management visits. (This may not happen until Ms. Garrett hits rock bottom, commits a crime, goes to jail, and is court ordered for treatment...)

She claims I need a neurological work-up to rule out delusional disorder from "head trauma" and also claims I'm an opiod addict when everyone knows I'm not.

What concerns me is the idea that I might need to "commit a crime and go to jail" before I am able to be corrected, which is quite interesting, given the attempts I've seen, to have my name smeared and actions questioned.

The woman is so far out there, I will have to go through and defend every single thing the state has ever written.

There was zero effort to compromise.


Also, I note that I have individuals feeling comfortable enough to steal from me again, around the time she has come up with her "impressions" and that today a former abuser who I have a restraining order against, visited the state offices while I was there.

This is giving people who have harmed me, a defense. It is giving THEM an "out".

The woman is absolutely off of her rocker in her analysis, and I will probably write the entire thing out, and point out what she said and how it was wrong, on this blog. No way in HELL is this going down this way, when everyone including Judge Hotchkiss and my own attorney know I am not mentally ill AT ALL.

If there is ANYTHING wrong, it is that I've had anxiety because of the circumstances.

I called my lawyer and told him I want an independent evaluation. He told me when I met with him that someone else would have to pay for it and I said, no, this is part of state funds for a defense and the state got away with not paying a dime on my case for over a year, when I was forced to go without a lawyer.

Lucretia Krebs will either be forced into retirement, when so many people know she's not doing a normal evaluation, and that for her to suggest ANYTHING after a mere 3 hours (only 1 1/2 hours were talking to her), is absolutely unprofessional to say the least.

My son is going to know the truth, the whole truth, and nothing BUT the truth.

And for me to QUIT blogging, was a mistake. I gained more support when I was blogging, from people who are not part of the Smear Crew, when I blogged and documented everything that was going down.

People in other locations of this country know, people in this town and state know, and I met international people from all over the world on the East Coast, and if anybody knows, THEY know.

Not only that, for anyone to think I could get a fair "neurolgoical work-up" in THIS town, or a psychiatric evaluation, it's just not even plausible.

I mean, I have seen examples though, where a "psychologist" tried to say all kinds of crazy things and then the psychiatrist disagreed with every single thing. But here, in Wenatchee, they will set me up with THEIR psychiatrist, and then they want to put a completely NORMAL woman on a medication???

I have a lot of writing to do. A LOT. Everything is going online and being defended, on the electronic record.

No more fun essays about music.

I said I would agree to a compromise or comply with a diagnosis of something HALFWAY plausible, not with the outrageous claims that have been made, which are constructed to have my son back with me, but to have him permanently removed....

...If I'm not "cured" of my "delusions" with "medication".

What is NUTS is that these people actually WANT to put a totally normal woman on serious medications which WOULD then screw with someone's mind and brain and ability to function.

I am not losing it though. It's upsetting, because it's so ludicrous, but it's not like it's something I cannot defend myself against.

My blogging, volunteer work, and other ideas for work will continue. Including going to college, because this is the only thing that will save me and prove to those who shut me out of work, that there is nothing wrong with me.

This is no different from Catholics or Protestants trying to shut out people of the opposite religion, from work. It is no different, except in my case, it's not religion specific. People here do what they're told to do and if someone tells them not to hire me, they obey orders.

I am going straight to work on my book about Diana as well, and what people tried to do to her. She didn't have it quite this bad, but look at how far it was really taken, when she had the ear of the entire world and all this money and power and yet still, she was trapped, and in many ways, powerless. She had people not just telling her she was mentally ill, and to go on medications, she had people PUSHING for her to go to a psychiatric WARD and to be seriously LOCKED UP.

I am not kidding.

I guess, when I think about it, I'm not being asked to go to a psychiatric hospital nor is it being suggested, so the most crazy thing about all of this is that I, in my own way, might be "ahead"???

I am ahead of what the Princess of Wales had to fight.

Which is not really comforting when I think about it. It's just sickening.

Women especially should be upset. I don't know, but there are women like Krebs and the parenting evaluator and women who lie to make more money on the side, or to assuage their supervisors or friends but then there are women who FIGHT for the rights of other women. It's a man's world.

There are some freakish women out there, but when it comes down to it, it has all been for the protection of, primarily, MEN. Well, and then there are "the bitches". I love Cher's take on that, "Follow that you bitches"--

Then again, a lot of men already know this, and most are pretty attuned to what has been going on and I've had plenty of sincere and genuine sympathy from men.

I wish I could get into Diana's medical records. I really would like to have a very thorough picture of what she went through but I don't think it's possible unless one of her sons allowed it and they have their hands tied to everything.

Unbelievable, as Maritza would say. What is MOST unbelievable, is that anyone from the state would take a 1 1/2 hour evaluation as professional.

My MMPI was totally normal and did NOT have a defensive profile, though Krebs tried to suggest this. If I'd been a genius on the I.Q., she would have accused me of manipulating answers because of my high intelligence. Since I didn't come up with a high I.Q. she tries to say it's defensive, but it's not and she even admits it's not high enough for this. She just says it might suggest. Everything is "might" and "suggestive" in my case, which is the best someone can come up with if there is no real evidence.

I had one psychologist look at my totally normal MMPI years ago, and try to "suggest" I was "narcissistic" because he couldn't really find anything wrong. This is what Krebs is doing.

The part about "delusions" from "head trauma" came from my OWN FAMILY because they are the ones who first suggested this, when they KNOW it's not true. They only started saying this after I began accusing them of doing some things which were not ethical. So they have, at various times, wanted me to be "delusional" too.

I'll go ahead and take a CAT scan or an MRI or PET of my brain, because I think that would prove I have migraines. So sign me up. I think a PET should be done of my brain. Then we can rule out "drug seeking" and "tension headaches" and pencil in "migraines" or maybe even PEN it in. Evidence of migraine will turn up on head scans, so I am all for it.

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