Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Recent Robbery (my clothing & need my laptop)

I am going to detail the latest thefts of my clothing, and how my Ex, seemed concerned. He said, "Hmm. Do you have any clothes left that I bought for you when you were with me?" I told him, "No, only pants" and described which ones.

So now, I am missing one of those pairs of pants. My black Anne Taylor stretch pants. They are only missing as of last night or this morning.

Not only this, last week, in the space of 8 hours, my yellow and blue Abercrombie t-shirt, which I'm photographed wearing with Alvaro, is gone.

Additionally, I have yet to receive the return of my laptop which was left at a house on Methow. They gave me everything else, but I think they forgot to give me that laptop. I am sure they just forgot to give this to me. It certaintly didn't go anywhere and I never took it anyplace else.

These thefts of clothing have come from the apartment of the latest place I've stayed at.

At the last place, I had sweaters stolen from the house, and memory disks of my visitation with my son.

I am going to have to report all these things formally, and make a full list of ALL the robberies and thefts of my property, which have occured for the last many years.

Why would anyone do this? I have some ideas, but I'd really rather not share them with some persons who MIGHT actually DO something about it.

This has got to stop. There is no silence for those who continue to either HURT me or my SON, or who continually harass or steal from us.

It would be in the best interests of all, for the return of these things to happen, "miraculously". It would also be in everyone's best interests, that visitation with my son is increased as quickly as possible and that he is returned to me in full without delay.

I don't want to have to justify myself, and what some of the reasons for the harassment and crime might be. I would rather not.

Fix this. Get your people in line.

And no, I don't see how anyone could have made the latest thefts of my clothing except the person who is "allowing" me to stay with them and has realized I'm not going to be a fling. No one else has access to this apartment, except me, and I do not think apartment managers would come in and do this. It's also happened right before he's left. If someone else is doing this, it's being coordinated to happen at the same time of his departure and arrival.

Almost every time there have been thefts, someone had some kind of access to the house where they didn't even have to break in.

Stealing from me, and threatening me, isn't going to get you ANYWHERE. Whoever has advised persons that this is a good idea, has a screw loose. If it's a group that advises this, they have something seriously wrong with them and are not even acting in the best interests of people they should care about, or themselves.

I want to see my things mysteriously "reappearing". It's happened before. Sure. And then supposedly I just "found" it again, like my workshirts on the East Coast.

No, I want the return of all these articles of clothing, and I am getting that laptop and if it's not there, there is only one household that was responsible for it and no one else even knew it was there.

UPDATE: I felt I should add, I cannot say for certainty who is responsible for this. I didn't catch anyone in the act. It just continues to happen. There has been no forced entry but I know there are people who can pick locks and you never know who is in management or a part of what. I just know the door has been locked, and someone had to feel comfortable going in and out of an apartment, not worried they would get caught. So the most logical thing comes to mind, even if I don't want to believe it. But I am not going to say right now, exactly what's going on. Also, it is possible someone overheard my telling my ex what clothing I had left. I don't know. But I want it to stop

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