Friday, November 20, 2009

State of Washington Attempts To Force "Mental Disability"

Not only did the state refuse to make up a visit with my son, as they are required to, by order of the court, when I went in yesterday to ask about complying with one part of the psychologists recommendations, this is what she said:

I was told, by the state, that I had to admit I was mentally ill to the point of disability, before I could jump through any hoops.

I said I disagreed with the idea that I had any disorder or needed meds and we were getting an independent evaluation, but that one part I DID agree with, was the neurological work-up and head scan.

She told me, if I wanted to comply with this, and have it done, I had to get on state medical insurance and she knows the only thing I could "qualify" for is insurance if I had my son back with me, OR, they're preference, I admit I am mentally disabled. Disabled so that I cannot work because I'm so disabled.

I told her, I am not working because I am like many Americans who do not have work, and that I do not qualify for any insurance for mental disability and she said she was SURE Lucretia Krebs' evaluation would "qualify" me. A one hour sit down qualifies me.

Then she said, "Neurological exams are VERY expensive, and we are not going to pay for that when we have spent MORE MONEY on you than anyone else...Do you KNOW how much MONEY we have spent on YOUR case?" and I shot back, "That's right you've spent more money on MY case, because if you didn't, to cover for your mistakes, you know you'd be paying out a LOT MORE in a class action lawsuit!"

I then walked out.

They have spent tons of money on my case, but none of it on my son or on his best interests, and wow. The state is sure paying a lot for my public defense when they skipped out on that step for over a year. How much money was SAVED by refusing me a public defender and using that money INSTEAD to boost and cover for the state workers mistakes?

I have the most satisfaction knowing the East Coast and even Whatcom County people think this town is shot to hell, and that the state is in over its head with me and knew it.

Everyone already knows I'm not mentally ill.

The state is trying to put ME between a rock and a hard place, when really, they have bent over backwards to lie because THEY are caught between a rock and a hard place.

I was and am willing to COMPROMISE, not to be bulldozed.

I think it's really interesting too, how whether I'm with my Colombian ex has made a difference. It's very interesting. Very interesting game that's been played, and very interesting to see what makes for a "deal".

International community and good people of America UNITE. Wonderwoman exposes the shit again.

I am not against the U.S. at all. But someone from the federal government, if the federal government CARES, needs to do something about this state and the workers in this town. A lot of people are watching what happens with this case. A LOT of people.

There are far more people who are interested in how these state workers and someone behind the scenes with a LOT of money, wants to trash me and why they took my son to begin with. WHY a STATE WORKER wanted an I.Q. test for a parent who was clearly not mentally impaired. WHY the state hires people to do shoddy evaluations and went from saying they'd pay for a 16 hour evaluation to one that is less than 3 hours including MMPI, APPY, and talk. WHY the state is trying to force me to be on medication for a mental illness I don't have and why they would want to actually literally TAMPER with my brain when everyone knows I'm normal enough.

I'm having dinner with a Russian woman. I need to get my international people together again. I am thinking too, I still need to know more about Edward Howard, this former CIA guy whom the U.S. probably HATES and HATED, and find out if there is any connection to my family at ALL. Most likely, there is SOME kind of relation. It might be farther back, but

WHY has someone stolen my:

1. medical records,
2. dental records,
3. interrogated me about my entire family history more than once?

No normal person takes dental records unless they are trying to find out who I am if they think I'm someone else, or unless they think there is something to look for in my TEETH which could be revealing. It doesn't make sense. My head scans disappeared back when and my other records too.

Nor does it make sense I've had so many "accidents" since I was 16 years old. I mean, yeah, a few is normal and even coincidence, but I've almost died how many times? Some group has wanted me to be dead and has tried to find a discreet way to do away with me. I almost died on the East Coast and I almost died in many other "incidents" which have occured. I want to know why. That's not being "paranoid schitzophrenic". That's being NORMAL and saying, "I think where maybe some of my real problems began but I'd like to rule out other possibilities as well."

I signed a form recently, so an organization could get compensation for my taking of coffee, but I'm rethinking this. I think I have to go back and fix this. I don't use their services other than drink the coffee and I used the phone one time. But it's a place for, well, I don't think I need to give anyone any other reason to hold up a piece of paper and say since I signed something, it's proof I am part of such a group.

It's like going on the state "crazy pay". You don't go on, or accept, state "crazy pay" if you're not crazy. All it does, by taking it, is make it appear, from a bureaucratic level, like one is possibly qualified and "crazy".

Before the Wenatchee state workers took my son, I was trying to go on SSI and applying for PHYSICAl disability, because, at the time, I WAS temporarily disabled physically from the childbirth. But they told me I couldn't. They didn't want anyone to do a physical on me and qualify me. They told me I could apply for a "mental disability" SSI and that Wenatchee would help me only with THIS.

So note this--I then took off for the East Coast and Whatcom County, and WOW. AMAZING. AMAZING how a change of SCENERY clears up "severe mental illness".

Oh MY GOD (dear God, forgive me for using your name in vain), but MY DEAR GOD (and God knows I sincerely think He's dear), she's normal? she can work?

If I had stayed in Wenatchee, the entire time, no one outside this community would have ever known the truth. No one. People in this state wouldn't even help me, outside this area, but I LEFT and suddenly, the whole frickin' world knows.

I purposefully worked as a waitress so people could see me IN THE PUBLIC EYE and see for themselves what kind of mental stability I had. I had psychologists and doctors on the East Coast, and later West Coast, sidle up next to me and chat and every single person knew there was NOTHING wrong. I had military and international people see me on a DAILY basis and they knew there was NOTHING wrong.

But all of a sudden, I'm back in Wenatchee, and I get frozen out of employment, and I'm so mentally ill, I'm "disabled".

Someone needs to frickin' "disable" the system over here. Literally.

Oh, but I'm with Colombo, or Exxon, I must be "okay".


I have said I am willing to jump through hoops and compromise and "give the state something" but I had better be seeing SOMETHING normal from these people.

It is not NORMAL to try to force someone onto mental disability when the rest of the U.S. and world know I'm not mentally disabled.

When I've already been told by some international people in INTEL, that people in this state want to screw me over and keep me unemployed. If they don't, and if they want to find a good compromise to "make everyone happy", which is in "everyone's best interests", then let me see it.

It is not normal to try to put someone on medications that damage the brain and alter thought processes and can even cause death, when there is no need for it. Who is trying to benefit from this? WHO wants MY brain "on drugs" and let's start asking WHY. Is it for the appearance of making me look, on paper, like I "need" it? The horse before the cart? In order to diminish my credibility? Is it to quash my spirit and try to keep me down, into a zombie form when a normal person would be reduced to this? Is is because some people don't like the fact that, sorry, but hey fuckers...I can read your mind, and you are fucking FREAKED OUT about it? (oh no! what will she "see" next???) or is it just a combination of all the above?

No one thinks I should have my brain medicated. Only those who have something to hide themselves want this.

I am thinking too, funny how a good psychologist will DATE me, for MONTHS, and know I'm not mentally ill, but can't manage to find a good coworker who could help me out with an evaluation. Sheppard Salusky. Knows and knew I wasn't mentally ill, but would only "help" me if I helped him sexually (and no, I did not). Knows the second top dog to the CIA. Dated some Greek diplomat. Very funny guy but was sort of there when I might be available for romance but certaintly not there if I needed a normal "friend". Funny how you can have "friends" in high places but they will do nothing for a woman unless she puts out.


Someone needs to fix this fast.

As for my black leggings, someone returned them. No one has returned my yellow and blue shirt, but my leggings yes.

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