Monday, December 14, 2009

Another Dream & Plans

I woke again at around 3:00 a.m. but I never managed to get my head off the pillow enough to look at the clock until 3:30 a.m. or so. Then I fell back asleep.

Nothing of a sad or heavy energy. Woke up feelng everything was pretty balanced.

I had a dream which I can't recall entirely but the only part I remember was that in the dream, I was reading this very elaborate magazine filled with jewelry and I got to the brooch and pin section and all of a sudden, I saw that they all belonged to the Queen. Queen Elizabeth. If it wasn't a magazine, it was some kind of book but it had a layout in more of a collection style. Then I realized, I was going to be allowed to pick some of them out but I can't remember if it was to just make mention and list according to my style or if it was because (dreams are dreams of course) I was going to be allowed to keep one. Maybe I was just admiring and pointing them out.

I started looking at all the designs and then I woke up. I remember one that was in the shape of a butterfly with tiny rhinestones or diamonds but I think usually the Queen wears more classic designs. It was mainly like I was getting a peek at the Queen's collection but the section I liked the most was the one for brooches and pins. I think the magazine or book was like a catalogue of the inventory basically but I initially picked it up thinking it was just a regular magazine.

It was a very short dream. I think I had this dream because I read that Margaret Thatcher book about her pins and maybe it just transfered over. But it was a different style of book and had a much larger collection and was in an inventory layout.

I would have completely forgotten about it. This morning I woke and didn't remember a thing and then in the car I thought, "I didn't have any dreams last night" and then I read this article about the family this morning and it had a photo of the Queen and as soon as I saw it, it triggered my memory. I really like this photo of the Queen too. Her expression is very natural and...I don't know, I might describe further when I write about the article.

The second photo is the one that I liked. She looks a little bit tired, but sort of unguarded and soft. I saw this one with the brooch and it triggered my memory about my dream last night. I have thought more than once, "83 and she still wears high heels!" I have really wondered what THAT is like! It has been on my mind more than once.
I'm so tired this morning. I could hardly get up. I visit my son today and am looking forward to it. Will write details later. Trying to get my library card back today and have an appointment for that as well.

Last night I looked up all this psychic stuff, the difference between astral projecting and remote viewing and then information about the DIA/CIA stargate program. Wiki has expanded on all these articles. I thought about it because someone mentioned astral projecting in a chat. I've never experienced it (thank goodness I have to say) but I sometimes get other kinds of flashes of insight. Astral projecting is where you feel you've left your own body and this hasn't happened to me. I believe it's possible though, because people have near-death experiences and describe this.
Had another dream, very vivid, about a week ago or so, that I was in a room with a ton of people and it was like a large conference or something, tons and tons of people, and everyone was wearing blue and white. That's all it was though. Just being in a huge place with tons of people.

Lately, I've been remembering my dreams.
Nicolas Cage. Why in the WORLD would he have come to mind those many weeks ago? This was one time where I thought, "how strange" because I wasn't reading about him and don't see movies often and can't even think of a movie that he's in. But his name specifically came to mind, to pray for him. And then, like 2 days later, news hit that there were all these trials and lawsuits. And another one! now from his ex. So I didn't know why his name came to mind at all, but I prayed a quick prayer and then all this stuff came up. I'm not following it really,not reading more than the headlines, but it seems to be one after the other. That's one time getting a word or name really surprised me.

Sometimes I get just a name or a word that comes to mind. A few days ago it was "dram" and then I think it was yesterday or the day before, I got "parapet". What the hell is a "Parapet?" I had to look it up and I still don't know why it came to mind. It's like vocabulary of the day and then I get to look up vocab definitions.

The thing is, I absolutely believe in this psychic stuff. I think more research should be done too. However, it's usually unreliable in that you can be off a lot and I wouldn't exchange it for logical information but only maybe to guide in some cases and then accept only with confirmation.

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