Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Bad & Sad Energy

I have felt such a good strong and positive energy most of the day. At a little after 4:30 p.m. I felt a sad vibe for the first time. I felt it last night momentarily and didn't sense it until now tonight, but I hope everything is okay. (UPDATE: I have such a horrible feeling right now but I don't know why--it's about 5:20 p.m. Something is really not okay. I tried calling my aunt and uncle to see how my son is and the phone is busy. I'll try again. I don't know what's wrong, but something is really wrong right now. I just called my Mom and Dad and for others too and I will be praying).

First, it seemed there was this sad energy, and then, almost dangerous. I am praying for everybody and for protection for people who need protection, who are good to me and my son, and for blessing. God give you protection and ease the sadness in anyone who is sad or afraid.

I hope everyone is okay. I don't know what's going on, but something isn't right somewhere in the world, at this moment. Something is off.

UPDATE: I feel much better. I just went for a brisk walk and prayed for everybody in any and every group and for my family and my son, and I felt better about 10 minutes or so after praying. I don't want any harm for anybody and the idea makes me nervous. I had this feeling of sadness too. Sort of that there was a negative vibe but also that someone somewhere was crying a lot. I didn't get any images or ideas at all. But I just prayed blanket prayers for everybody.

I hope it's not risky to speak about Diana, but then I got to a bookstore (haven't checked those books out yet) and flipped through some photos. One almost had me crying. I don't know why. This one where she's bending over in a cream dress and a woman from India is touching her feet, a sign of respect and great honor. Then these other photos where she's so hands on. She was so comfortable placing a hand on someone's face--something I don't know how to do, and it's just sort of amazing.

She looks really good, very healthy even in 1997. I don't know what was up during the Panorama time bc she does look drawn, but more than any illness, she just appears exhausted and like she hasn't been sleeping. The circles under her eyes and everything. Several days ago, the words came to my mind, which are not unique by any means, but this phrase just hit me: "She thought she was losing her sons". She had time being taken away from her and this is not to blame her family bc I don't so much really but I just felt her anguish or desperation at the idea that she felt her time was being taken. I think this was the main reason she defended herself publicly, her main motive. I don't think she ever dreamed of talking about anyone except when she felt her image was affected and that THIS might affect her standing in custody or whatever with her sons, but I could be projecting bc I haven't read enough yet. I did get this phrase though, and yeah, why hash over the past, but I'm thinking about what she was really like and what her concerns were.

I still feel this sad vibe again, sort of. Not dangerous anymore, like I felt before but just a heaviness. Sort of a weight of the world.

I decided to look up CNN and see what's going on in the world. The first link I clicked on was one where a 35 year old man was freed through the Innocence Project. What is so strange about these cases, is why anyone would ever deny DNA testing, if it's requested. He asked 4 times and then had to go to appeal! I'm really happy for him and his family. I'm always amazed at these stories, of wrongful convictions.

Still have a heavy feeling though. Whatever happened to the positive energy?

One thing I don't understand fully, is what Di meant by being a "non-starter". I don't know if this is a phrase more familiar with the English.

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