Monday, December 28, 2009

Chat Down & Dynamo

The chat I was in isn't just down on my computers. I tried some others and it's down everywhere. I think it's the most bizarre thing. I told this other guy, just now, about what happened and he thinks it is totally weird. I joked yeah, the site is probably down because the military and intel agencies are investigating.

So, so, strange though. I think it's good, I didn't get a spooky feeling from it at all, it was more of a miraculous thing. Hmmm, I don't know about miraculous, but a sign of some kind and the books were not moving on their own really, it was more like this woman had a precognitive dream and was asking me about it and then it happened. Twice.

I got to this guy's house and he was wearing a shirt with a word on it that I had seen "flash" in front of me just an hour earlier. His shirt had the word on it. That was kind of weird. He's still wearing it.

Then, tonight, the word "dynamo" came to mind. I didn't know what for. I asked him and he said he thought there was a video game with that name. I typed in a google search and came up with different electrical generators. I don't know. Maybe it's for something else. Somewhere, someone said "dynamo!" or who knows.

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