Friday, December 11, 2009

Christmas Gift (from Russia with love! :) )

I got this nice gift from a Wenatchee man today. Won't say who but it came with a calendar for 2010, I guess a calendar for me when I'm so often making a calendar for my son. I love it. It's full of famous art. Also, the following goodies:
Macademia Nut,
Pumpkin Decadence (which says on the box: for the discriminating palette...Eat Dessert First! Life Is Short!),
Bruttles Brittle,
and then a card with 4 children on it playing in the snow and on the back it is detailed "The First Snow, Kazan, Soviet Union, 1970...photograph by Vladimir Zotov."

Anyway, no one will know who "Ken" is, without a last name. But it seemed to be a very thoughtful gesture and I think he put a lot of thought into the choices, especially knowing me with my calendars for my son.

Very sweet.
On subjects Russia, I loved this card and found it really interesting because in the last week, many things have reminded me of Russia for whatever reason. A lot of things kept coming up.

For example, I don't know how I knew, but there were at least 2, maybe 3 people whom I saw in various locations and they didn't look Russian or say a word, but I knew they were. It just popped into my mind. One blond man at Worksource when I was on the telephone, sitting across from me in a chair, who looked surprised when I told the operator if I lived in Russia I'd probably wear a fur coat if it worked. Then there was a man at Hastings yesterday who, for some reason, I just knew was Russian and he had dark hair and sat on the couch and had a necklace on and I think a green patterned shirt. There was also a dark haired woman at worksource and I noticed and it crossed my mind but I thought maybe not. But for whatever reason I noticed and no one said a thing. It was sort of an intuitive thing.

Russia is extremely knowledgeable about psi and remote viewing and the like. They are probably some of the foremost experts in that field and they were doing studies a very long time before anyone else. I think they were the first but I could be mistaken. I was always impressed with this, about them, even years ago, because I read a book about their form of espionage and other expertise, and I know it's among the best.

I would actually enjoy meeting some people who have done this on a real study level. I guess sometimes the Americans and Russians and I think Chinese too, would do fun exchanges for purposes of studying the field more thoroughly.

Then, there were the bears in my visit with my son last time and my son was also dressed in a new shirt with a bear on it. The bear in the visitation room was brand new, as was the shirt my son was wearing.

Then! I looked up Princess Michael of Kent for the first time this week and then her husband next and they are very involved with Russia (British and Russian royalty intermarried) as her husband knows Russia fluently and she travels there. It was strange because I looked her up about 2-3 days after this phrase popped into my head and then I found it was the same phrase she was quoted on wiki as making--which was totally bizarre I thought. The phrase was "I have more royal blood running through my veins than the royal family" or something to that effect. I got this phrase just a couple of days before she came to my mind as someone to look up. I did, and there it was, the very same phrase and I'd never heard anyone say before. So that was very uncanny. It was one of the more surprising and bizarre "psychic" things I've had occur in my life, to see or hear a phrase go through my mind and know it's not something I'm thinking but am picking up instead, and then all of a sudden, I was finding it online with a day or two. Pretty remarkable.

I think that was about it, aside from seeing a few of those Russian style fur hats and remembering the photo of me with my hair pulled across my head in that fashion.

So I guess I've had Russia on the brain this week. I remembered too how I need to collect some belongings I left in safekeeping with a friend, and how on my prayer list, I had named Russia on my list for prayer. For whatever reason, that came to my mind this week as well.

Oh! AND I read an article about how Russia was seeding clouds to prevent snow and how they also claimed responsibility for some UFO-like light that appeared in Norway after a missile failed to launch properly over the sea.

So it was very altogether Russian! in many ways! God bless Russia and the Russians. :)

Oh, I guess I should add, so it's even more perplexing...I think I first saw a photo of Michael of Kent before I had this other phrase run through my mind and THEN I looked her up. So the quote may have come inbetween seeing her photo and then reading her wiki profile. The whole thing really shocked me though. I thought, what a strange coincidence or SOMETHING.

It did come to my mind, was I thinking that I might actually have a lot of royal blood from both sides of my family? or was this really an incidence where I picked up on something and then found it later? I thought it was pretty uncanny.
I talked to this guy tonight and mentioned my interest in psi, etc. He asked if I would like to be part of a paid study about this. He wasn't offering this kind of work, but just asking if I would. I said yes. If I could be paid to be part of a study, as long as it doesn't involve medications or physical harm or emotional abuse, then yes. I think it would be very interesting and I could help further research possibly and get paid too! I used to think I would do this for free, but anymore, with wanting to raise my son, I would like to be paid. If anyone knows of a study that will pay, I am interested. Send in the clowns! Just kidding. I know it's very serious top secret stuff. But I want immunity and protection in case I happen to accidentally remote-view an atomic missile or something.
Anyway I then looked up youtube slides about the prince and princess of kent and then ended up on this slide of "Princess Pushy" to Billy Idol's "In The Midnight Hour". She has elf ears too. And then I was onto the last Tsars of Russia and Anastasia and noticed they also had elf ears. I guess tons of people do?

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