Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Dreams & Clarification Of Blank Paper Incident

I didn't have any dreams last night. I thought I was having a dream this morning for a split second and heard, "Number 9? I hung it up last night." But it was just my housemate talking to some man who called him on the phone, I guess his boss, about work.

But no dreams and slept well, considering.
I want to clarify exactly what happened with this dream an Australian woman talked about, and how it later seemed to "come true" in my own living room. I didn't get really concrete details from her, as to the kind of bookcase and kind of paper and that sort of thing, but I thought I would describe the details on my end, in case, and to explain it better to people who might strongly wonder what in the world this was all about.

I don't know what kind of bookcase she saw in her dream, or what size or kind of paper, but she just came on, asking if anyone could interpret a dream or had ideas as to what it might mean. She saw blank white paper falling to the floor from a bookcase. That's all we got. I said maybe it meant she needed to communicate with someone. Others said similiar things.

Then, I got off that site, and I don't know if I accidentally hit a book with my foot or what, but there were two stacks of books, on shelves, under the computer. So they were not tall "bookcases" but in a way, they were holding up a lot of books and there was white computer paper on top of both sides of the stacks of books. So I must have accidentally hit something (nothing just "fell" of its own accord) and all the books came down with a very loud sound and then white computer paper slid down or across and onto the floor.

I didn't think anything of it. I didn't connect it with the dream at all because i wasn't thinking the stacks were "bookcases". But then it happened a second time, and that's when my housemate mentioned the other thing that had happened the night before, and I was shocked because I realized it fit the description of the dream, but was just different from what I expected fully.

So I didn't pick up the books and paper at all. I just went to bed and left everything. I got up the next morning, and was online looking at Di photos or something, maybe articles about the royal family,(as I think I had been the night before too) and I sat in a chair cross-legged and was bouncing my knees up and down. I wasn't touching the other "bookcase" or the other side of the stacks of books at all. But I think the motion from bouncing my legs caused them to then fall. So, all of a sudden, boom! again, this time from the other side, the books all fell down and as I saw the white computer paper sliding down, that's when the dream hit me. I looked again and all I could see was blank white paper and a road atlas, which had been beneath the paper and it was the only "book" where a title could be seen.

So, these things happened naturally, not by some unseen force, like something sliding off all on its own, but it was still very strange, because I sit in that chair and do work all the time and the books and paper have never fallen, no matter what. I've accidentally kicked the books and jiggled my legs or bounced my knees, and nothing has ever happened. Not with my housemate either.

When it happened the second time, I immediately thought of that woman's dream. I just sat there shocked, not even remembering the same thing had happened the night before. But it hit me, and then I told my housemate about it and he said, "Well yeah, and I heard something fall last night too" and then it hit me, that this had occured, not once, but twice.

Which, I think, is a little bit strange.

After it happened that first night, I didn't even make a connection with it. I got into bed, and I had no images that night. The only thing that came to my mind was the phrase "William is psychic" a few times. I don't know why, but it was likely normal stream of consciuosness because I had been looking up articles and psychic stuff (not about the royal family though).

I prayed that night, before I slept, for something really amazing or miraculous so people would know the existence of God, and I prayed it would really reach someone in a powerful way. Then I fell asleep. No dreams. I think I got up that morning and took a bath and took one of the Di books with me. Instead of reading front to back, I had started torwards the end for some reason and was reading the last 1/3 of the book. I read about how William had said he'd had trouble sleeping on the night his mother passed away. I am pretty sure I read this AFTER I got "William is psychic" but I am wondering if I read this first and got the idea? I don't remember. It could have been I read it the night before and then the phrase came to mind. But then I got out of the bath, and I was at the computer and the books and paper fell a second time and I wanted to tell the Australian woman, and then, because I'd read William hadn't been able to sleep that night and because I got this idea he was "psychic" I wondered if anyone in the royal family was.

So I typed in "Prince Harry is psychic" first and nothing came up under this. Next I typed in "Prince William is psychic" and I got found some woman had dreamed that he was and this was a secret. I had also had the impression it wasn't something that was really "shared" much. So I found another woman thought this and it was the first time I'd been to that site or read such a thing, and then I tried to look for more about royals and psychic stuff, just out of plain curiosity. I couldn't find anything else really. I only found the part about someone having a dream about William and then I found some kind of crazy sounding articles about "THE PSYCHIC ROYAL BLOODLINE" and mergovian kings and stuff, but it didn't sound very credible. However, I think a lot of people have psychic gifts and it's just a matter of allowing it and maybe some of the royals have discovered this is true for them, like Diana.

Then I kept trying to get onto the site and it's been down. As for the Australian woman, I have no idea why I'd have a connection with her and her dream.

I guess I wanted to clarify so no one thinks I'm trying to make something "fit" when it wasn't completely exact maybe. I don't exaggerate and don't want anything to sound more strange than it is. I'm being honest and feel I have to stay faithful to what I receive or maybe God will close the doors if I'm not.

But yes, I personally feel what happened with the books and paper falling, right after we were talking about this dream--I don't believe it was pure coincidence. I don't know what it's really supposed to mean, but maybe it will mean more to someone else. It wasn't a traditional bookcase, but there were books stacked up on shelves, so in some sense, it was, and then the computer paper, blank and white, was on top of the books, on both sides and it came sliding to the floor.

I am thinking though, I looked up blank white paper and this is a common dream with an interpretation. Anyone can find it online. Maybe someone just wanted to throw something out there and then see what people came up with? I don't know. It's possible. Because I was sort of wondering if it was another person trying to make something out of Diana because they quoted a saying about chestnuts. Something about a lot of chestnuts in a bag make noise but one in a bag doesn't make noise. And then she was saying she hadn't talked to her sister in 4 years. That's about all I remember. i remember thinking the chestnut saying was ringing a bell in connection with Di but I don't recall how.

At any rate, it did happen, what happened next with me so maybe it is a message to me, I've no idea. After she asked about her dream I put on the song "Unwritten" by Natasha Bedingfield.

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