Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Energy & Soldier's Return

I have sensed a very strong positive energy for the last hour or so. Don't know what about exactly, but it's nice.

I also found out last night...I was so happy to hear about it...The woman whom I approached in a bar to tell her that I was supposed to say her son was going to be okay, well he's okay still! He is coming home and was in Germany and then was going to be in NY by the time of New Years.

This is the woman who I knew I had to approach and didn't know why, but I somehow knew she had a son and that I was supposed to tell her he'd be okay. She had said, shocked, "You know my son?" and I didn't even know, literally, that she did have a son. I intuitively "knew" as in, I felt God was telling me to say this and I had no idea why. So I found out her son was in the military and his commander and some fellow soldiers had been killed, so it meant a lot to her, to hear this. And to him too.

I got nervous though, because I thought maybe blogging about it might jinx it. I don't know if it was really a good idea to blog it or not, but I so wanted to share because it was one of those things. But then, I thought, maybe someone would then purposefully try to do something...or, you just never know.

But he's okay! He is, and was, fine. I was so relieved to hear this.

It really meant a lot to me, to see her last night and hear this. I had been slightly nervous when I had the image of the blond guy in a wheelchair but I didn't really think it was HIM, but I just worried that maybe it's possible to jinx something. But I guess not. I guess God knows and that it was really for a reason.

Welcome back all soldiers!

I was thinking about getting ahold of that woman from the psychic chat but everything is down--I guess their servers are going through new upgrades and they were flooded with people because of the holidays. So they're doing some repairs.

Hahaa! The New Yorker has a funny cartoon this month. It's a bunch of grim reapers, holding their harvesters, and then one of them is holding a giant kitchen wire whip. He's saying, "I realized I much prefer making frothy desserts."

I guess you have to see it. It made me laugh out loud. It's page 59 from the Jan. 4, 2010. At the back the winners for choosing captions for the cartoons, the one with the bunny shadow puppet is funny too. I like the one where the doctor is saying something about him being drunk.
I just had the nicest compliment from some high school girls who asked if I went to college. I said no and they said oh, they thought I looked about that old. Hmmm. Maybe they were just being sweet. I said I was 35 and they said they thought I was 22 or so. I asked them if they were serious and they said yes. ? I guess I don't have as much make up on but most people think I look 26-30.

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