Monday, December 21, 2009

English Double-Take

I have to write my visit with my son up but I sat down and these two women came in and before they ever began talking, I got on the phone with a friend from Phoenix, AZ and she started talking about her English friend of all things. She brought it up out of the blue, saying her friend thought it was easier to meet new people there than it was in Phoenix. I was sort of shocked, thinking people are more reserved there and then she was saying I might try it and she and I are going to be in touch more. But she was saying this, and then I had just got off and thought I heard an English accent and it was the pair sitting next to me. One woman was from England and the other had married the Englishwoman's son and the two are artists. I got to meet their daughter who was really cute and she said we could do playdates when my son is with me again.

I don't know, sort of strange, but it was nice talking to them. They talked about the pros and cons of UK vs. US.

I don't know. Some of the English in D.C. didn't like me very much. I think it depended upon the person. Maybe it was because I was known to have a thing for Christopher Hitchens.

I'm not sure what I think. I know the one friend from AZ was just talking but I don't know that much about the others although they were nice to chat with. They told me to take a trip around the world while I could, which is something I told Michelle E. to do, and then said I had to watch "Up" which is a child's movie and especially the beginning. Not sure what to think because I looked it up online and this is the part where the couple marry and cannot have children and then the woman dies. They talked about how the house goes up with a bunch of balloons. Sometimes people who seem to be friendly are not really friends and I'm learning this so I'm more guarded in general even if I'll be nice. Not everyone who is friendly is a friend. Anything could be read a wrong or right way and it takes time to really know someone and know what they're about.

I would like to travel with my son and he would love it. However, all I can think of is him, and nothing beyond him and getting him back.

Things are very tough right now and I don't know how it will be possible, but I am trying the best I can.

Wherever we are, I want to be in an area where I can go dancing even if I'm older and it's okay. I love to dance and don't do it enough.

They were all, all the people who were talking about England, were saying while people think they're more reserved, they tend to be less judgmental and accepting of quirkier types. The downside is the class consciousness. On one hand I heard they all mix and then on the other hand I heard when you grow up you are told "this is your place" and told to go to a trade if you're raised by lower class and then the upper are always up. Like there's no mobility but here there is. I feel sort of "hmmm" about this because where I'm at right now, there's very little mobility but I feel very held back. I don't know.

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