Wednesday, December 2, 2009

For New Comment About My "Diligence"

Thank you for writing.

It would be nice to have a law and doctoral degree myself.

I have done everything possible to secure housing and have been locked out. Yes, I am trying to get housing with state assistance, and even though it's risk-free to a landlord, for 18 months, I am being denied housing.

I am also denied work, and it's not because I've been "picky". I haven't even finished my list of places I've applied to in Wenatchee. Some of these jobs have been dishwasher jobs. You say you would even scrub out portapotties if it meant getting your kid back, and guess what I told someone I would do?

Yep. So I even covered that. I told a guy, who knows someone that works in waste management, that I would do it. It is even worse than scrubbing portapotties, it is removing the actual waste.

Now, if you still think I'm not "trying" or being picky or that I'm looking for "a hand-out", you're wrong.

Anything I write about that is aside from the fact, is done at a minimum and it is not how I spend my time. Everyone, no matter your situation, needs downtime, and if that means I'm looking up stuff about Di, so what. If it's a way to relax and something that interests me, who cares. I'm doing everything else that I need to do, and bending over backwards to try to do it.

I don't think you have any idea what I have been willing to do. I have applied for about everything. The only thing I won't do, is something illegal.

I don't know if you have ever lived in Wenatchee, but based on your assumptions, probably not.

Not only that, it is out of my control if people are willing to lie about me, state workers, or anyone, knowing I haven't been able to counter this with objective evidence. It's wrong, it's mean, it's even illegal, but that doesn't mean it's not being done.

I AM learning a thing or two about intuitive giftings and I tried it out with my son today, and it worked. At least, there is the possiblity that it worked. If it sounds odd, look up U.S. "StarGate" information. It's real. I've decided I should focus a LITTLE more of my time on praying for my enemies and using my insights and intuitive leanings, in what the U.S. government calls "psychic warfare". Again, if you think it's nuts, look it up. There are plenty of books on it, and it's not just our country's intel and military that make use of it--all countries do. Regular folks just don't ever know about it or doubt it's possible. But believe me, it's possible. Am I bending spoons yet? No way. I can't even manage to bend the will of a man yet, without certain charms.

"Take Me On". A-ha.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not posting your comment again, for your own privacy as it seems you wanted to just share and not be published.

    I will address what you've written a little later because right now I'm coming down with a migraine.

    I agree and also disagree with what you've written.
