Thursday, December 17, 2009


I have just been skimming because I don't have all the books home yet. I read in one book that one time, I guess I thought about this because I thought about this CPS worker and how she is always insulting me when I try to be nice to her. Then she turns around and asks like she cares if I blog about it, saying "will it help you?" If people only knew the kinds of things she says to me and then tells the Judge in court. Lying is her second language.

My housemate said it sounded like straight harassment.

So anyway, in this one section, someone put up yellow cones in front of Di's driveway. They wouldn't move them. So she got out and moved them. He ran out and put them back as she went back to her car. She got out and removed them again. He did this about 4 times and she burst into tears and then he got his "shot". He just did this to harass her and get a reaction. She was pretty nice about it. I think I would have just run over his fucking cones after the 3rd time.

Princess Pushy would be second only, in criticism, to Princess Pissed.

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