Saturday, December 19, 2009

Image & Dreams Last Night

Last night before I fell asleep, I had a flash of an image, of a man (won't say hair color or type) with black paint under his eyes, like military paint. I don't know if this is done in the military, to put black under ones eyes and what the purpose would be, but that's all I saw. Then I thought maybe the meaning was that someone had dark circles under their eyes, but my first strong impression was that it was some kind of military make-up. Because I think it might be connected to military and I don't want to get in trouble, I am not giving out further description. I don't need more problems! I didn't notice make-up on the rest of the face, it was just large swaths under the eyes. I had the impression the man was a military man as well. But I can't say anything more, just in case it's not a good idea. It was thick, black paint, and there was no other paint on the face. Military, not sports, was my impression. I really want to say the hair color and everything but I don't think it's a good idea.

Then I fell asleep and had dreams. I can't remember all of them. One was about me but I don't remember it. Then I had one which involves a recurring location I've had in my dreams for many years. I don't know where this place is, but I see it in my dreams once in a very long while. It is a valley surrounded by mountains but it's not this valley, or maybe it represents this valley and yet it's more magnificent and grand. Very tall, tall, mountains, and a lush green valley, and houses built into or on the rocky cliffs. Once I dreamed I was one the other side and saw the valley from one angle and last night I saw it from the other side. It's more like a cross between some kind of swiss village and rugged scottish or irish land. But because of the mountains, I would say it's a little more like alps or germany or some place where there is a very small valley with green plains and extremely tall and rocky mountains.

I have been to this location or seen this place, at least 3-4 times in dreams. I've never been there in real life, and to date, I haven't seen any photos of a place like this. I will describe it more but have to get ready first.

This place is incredibly beautiful and sometimes I've seen it at sunset and last night in my dream it was daytime and the sun was shining on the valley. It is the most beautiful place I've ever seen in my dreams.

The contrast of elevation is very dramatic, and yet I've never seen snow on the mountains. They are more like mountains that are sort of extremely tall rocky cliffs but they are mountains. The valley is very small and enclosed by these moutains. There are no orchards, of notice, maybe there are, but I've never seen any and/but more plains. There are different levels in the mountains or cliffs, and they stretch back. There are a few sort of cliff plateaus where a few houses are built.

Every time I've been here, the houses are grand. I've gone to the windows, which are enormous, and looked out and the view is always beautiful and I remember I'm at that same place. Wherever that is, if it exists.

I have never seen water here, a lake or pond or river. Maybe there is around the corner, around a bend in the mountains, but there's nothing really noticeable in my dreams. Maybe there's a stream but I never see or focus in on one. It's a small enclosed valley and then the hills or mountains are very rugged.

It sort of looks like this but there has never been snow on the mountains...sort of like this but not exact.,%2Bmountains&hl=en&usg=__giVY6lyCetBCi3soaYnhgU1GEqc=&ei=iC4tS9fKLpLWtgPI9NnEBA&sa=X&oi=image_result&resnum=2&ct=image&ved=0CA4Q9QEwAQ. So far, this is the closest thing I can find.

Last time, I was in one house and I didn't recognize the people, they were new to me. This time I saw people I knew but it was sort of a juxposition in the dream and I don't want to detail what happened except for that at one point, someone put two large insects on a wood bureau and they were long and shaped like thin leaves and like very long ovals but with a pointed end and they were shimmery turquoise and blue the way some scarabs are but these were longer in form than a scarab and then they flew off.

I might see if I can find this location somewhere because I've dreamed about it more than once or twice.

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