Tuesday, December 1, 2009

MRI For Oliver (advocacy)

I only publish this to put pressure on the state to have my son sent to a specialist, since I've requested an MRI for him in vain for almost 2 years, and now he's speaking for himself:

Re: Questions About 3 Year Old‏
From: cbtf@childhoodbraintumor.org
Sent: Tue 12/01/09 10:02 AM
To: cam

Dear Cameo-- I would suggest taking your child to a pediatric neurologist. Most likelybased on the comments you have made, it is probably an MRI would beordered. An MRI would clearly answer the question you seem to be asking. Contrast enhancement is usually used to ensure the neurologist andradiologist can determine if there is a concern. Where do you live? Wemay be able to give you the names of some excellent specialists. I do not want to scare you, but my son, was a very active 3 year old andwould push his fingers deep into his eyes (mostly morning) and say his eyehurt. He was so animated we did not realize he was serious. His complaintwas his way of indicating headaches. Then he started spitting up a littlebit in the mornings and that added to the red flag, his was related tohydrocephalus and brain tumor. His tumor situation was inoperable, so hehad chemotherapy. He was too young for radiation. Bryan also had issueswith slurring of speech, but his issue with that could have also beenrelated to delayed speech from ear infections. Just to let you know, hehas been very fortunate and is now 21-years-old. It is possible that the choroid cysts need monitoring, plus having hadhead trauma, you will not rest until you have checked out if there areissues or not. Considering the symptoms you describe it is best to ere onthe side of caution. Childhood Brain Tumor Foundation20312 Watkins Meadow DriveGermantown, Maryland 20876www.childhoodbraintumor.orgcbtf@childhoodbraintumor.org301-515-2900

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