Tuesday, December 1, 2009

My Son Medicated Now

Now my son is being medicated.

I bring up how he needs an MRI, given his past medical history and his newer complaints, and what do they do here? Put my son on meds.

No, not the worst kind imaginable, but no medication should have been used before diagnostics which are reasonable to have done, are done.

The people in Wenatchee want to prevent my son from having an MRI, even if my son's life is in danger. Why? because some people here care more about being "right" about ME, and their claim that neither of us had medical issues which weren't taken care of, than they care about a little boy.

No one wants documentation or evidence, that my son's brain MAY show damage from childbirth.

No one wants documentation or evidence, that my son's brain may show a cyst that has grown into a tumor.

No one wants evidence that my son's speech difficulties are something which might show up on MRI.


Because some people here are more concerned about trying to prove I'm "delusional" and a hypochondriac, and that nothing ever happened to us, than they are in helping a 3 year old boy who is now complaining of pain and pushing his finger into his eye(s) when he has a sudden pain that affects him.

My uncle told the general doctor today that he noticed my son complained about his eyes after one day on the tractor when there was a lot of dust. Four months ago?

So the doctor put him on Claritin. Which is not without side effects, especially for children. It's an antihistamine, used for allergies.

My son doesn't have allergies. He's not suffering from allergic attacks. The way he even acts when he suddenly feels the pain, isn't consistent with "allergy".

So, instead of first doing an MRI, which is reasonable, my son's blood brain barrier gets tampered with first with Claritin, which I, as his mother and sole dependable advocate, know he doesn't need.

I am an extremely intuitive mother.

How intuitive?

Intuitive enough to know the very moment my twins were conceived. Intuitive enough to know I was pregnant with Oliver, within the first week.

I know my intuitive shit, and some people don't like it. TOUGH SHIT.

I am the MOTHER, and these people are not even consulting ME about medicating MY SON first.

The doctor, I guess, told my aunt and uncle, that my son's eyes were "a little red". Probably from crying, not allergies. Not only that, probably from him, poking himself in the eyes, because the sudden severe pain that he gets hurts so badly. And my son tends to point out ONE eye in particular. Not both. So why is only ONE eye, his right one, "allergic"?

My son got medicated for having one eye, suspected for having "allergies". My son said his eyes, both of them, hurt more at NIGHT too.

But when he gets an attack in our visits, it's a visible pain and attack where he stops suddenly and it has caused him to react, and then he just presses his finger in. He'll keep pulling at it, to no avail, and then without warning, the pain will go away.


I'm sorry, but if you listened to the mother, who takes her entire son's life history into account, and who is extremely intuitive, you would just stop trying to displace all blame onto ME and just say, hands up, "This is a good mom. Let's give her her kid back. And this kid needs an MRI immediately, as if we don't do it now, it may be too late."

Some people would RATHER RISK not getting my son in for proper diagnosis, than admit the results may show I am right.

Stop focusing on whether I am "right" and start thinking about an innocent 3 year old, whose symptoms, all together, demand an MRI, and one done immediately, without delay.

Your delay could cost my son his life. It is reasonable to have him sent to a pediatric neurologist to be evaluated on MRI. He should have had this done a LONG time ago and it's not too soon now.

I told my lawyer to obtain the following:

1. Ultrasounds and reports showing bilateral cysts (which were never followed up on)
2. Bilirubin lab showing excessively high bilirubin 3 months after Oliver's birth
3. Birth records showing my son had a hemotoma and was placed under bili lights.

Aside from that, my son probably had the hell torn out of HIS head if I had the hell torn out of me, which I did. An instrument was finally used, along with breaking my pelvis, tailbone and tearing me up, to get him out. And yes, my son was injured.

Right where the brain processes speech articulation.

A cyst follow up was never done, even though I requested this, over and over.

My son has had speech problems.

Now my son complains of sudden sharp pain in his eye (one primarily) and then both at night.

My son has lost a dramatic amount of weight and has had vomit smell on his breath, from morning.

No, I don't expect my aunt and uncle to have known they should have taken my son in earlier. They don't know and they have had to go along with whatever the state tells them. They do not know my son's medical history and have believed the state, that there was "nothing wrong" with our childbirth and that there is nothing possibly wrong with my son's head or brain.

I do not blame my aunt and uncle, when they've been fed and told what to do.

But I talked to them tonight, and WE believe, he needs an MRI.

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