Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Oliver's Eye Still Hurts

I will write about our visit, which went really well, but first, about his eyes. My lawyer said don't say anything and see if he brings it up or not. I didn't say a word about his eyes.

I noticed he pulled at his right eye (to my left if I'm looking at him) three times while I read to him and I said nothing.

I didn't say a word, UNTIL I asked him to close his eyes while I hid clues for a treasure hunt, and then he stopped and protested, and poked at his eye and then rubbed them both. He said, "My eye", and after HE made such a dramatic motion and brought up his eyes hurting, I asked him about it. He said they hurt so I told him, okay, just look the other way while I hide things okay? I told him he didn't have to close his eyes if it made it worse for him.

I don't want my son on Claritin. He doesn't have allergies and wouldn't have allergies in just one eye. He needs to see a neurologist and probably a pediatric opthamologist too.

The thing is, I said not a word, and he didn't talk about it first, as if recounting his visit to the doctor. His finger went to his eye and he kept blinking and would tear up in both eyes.

There is something wrong and it's not allergies.

He should not be on Claritin when allergies are not the issue.

After my son dramatically went to his eyes again, and rubbed the one and spoke up on his own, the monitor said he had told her in the car that he went to the doctor about his eyes. Which is good and fine, but he wasn't recounting his visit. His eye was hurting and it's not better with Claritin because that's not the issue.

The fact that he does this as much as he does, when I only have 2 hours with him, is proof there is something wrong which has become a very urgent matter. It's been more often, and getting worse, not better. It needs immediate attention.

Not only that, Oliver also pointed something out that wasn't there, in a corner. He kept saying there was something there when there wasn't anything there. It was a corner. Actually, I shouldn't write anything about that, because he's very imaginative, and we've played pretend a lot. So, no I don't think this is a symptom. I take it back.

Basically, his eye hurts and then he'll poke at it and then both eyes will tear up. I thought he seemed fine and we had a lot of fun at our visit, but he seemed more subdued and sedated and he said he was "tired" and I do NOT want him on an antihistamine.

He needs to be properly evaluated.

1 comment:

  1. Oliver is such a pretty name. Is it a family name?
