Monday, December 28, 2009

A "perth-etic X-mas"

I am wondering if talking about Di and the royals, and writing about her, is only causing additional problems for my life. Most, a large majority, has been really kind and supportive. However, a few others have cropped up.

I had problems before, yes. However, a lot of people come up to me querying whether I think I "know" who may have "bumped her off". Then I have people in chats telling me they're welsh (or having profile of such) and then making thinly veiled threats. It could just be smokescreen for some other thing, I don't know.

I got harassed on one site, by one or two individuals, and was booted off (I thought without reason but I think I did unknowingly misrepresent myself bc you were supposed to give your real age and I didn't) and the end message I got was:

"Have a perth-etic X-mas". It was from someone in UK. On the same chat someone was talking about having a "marry christmas" to someone and a lot of Di and royal family references were used. Then, it seems, I couldn't go into a chat without someone bringing up a Di reference even if I'd not mentioned her at all...bringing up things which were her favorites or topics associated with her. Supposedly, this is with no one "knowing" who I am as I kept my profiles anonymous.

Some of the other harassment, just regarding me and my son, and direct threats or veiled threats, have been from people mainly in OR and WA and then a few odd ones, like from out of country.

I swear this is the truth and I kid you not. In one chat I'm not usually in, where you can just pop in and out, I had someone tell me I was going to end up at the bottom of the river in a suitcase.

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