Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Phone Problems

I am having the same kind of phone problems I had before I tried taking my son to Canada. But this time, I'm verifying what's happening with other people hearing what's happening. To be able to confirm it's really happening.

I will detail in a half hour.

One call I made this morning got transferred to a different number. In D.C. That was earlier today. But I don't know if it was right or wrong because I assumed I had just reached a wrong number online, because I got the number online. I don't know. I haven't checked back with that one.

The other problems occured when I was looking up old friends from school and their phone numbers. Something bizarre happened.

I called for a friend who is a Davis. I don't want to publish the number, but it was, say, 500-7000. So I called and got this one woman. It wasn't the friend I was looking for so I called the next number, which was 560-3400. I got the same woman. I kept calling and she said no, that wasn't her number, it was 500-7000. But I was physically typing in 560-3400 over and over. So then I thought something was wrong with my cell phone so I borrowed the phone at the cafe. I've done this before and I'd been there awhile. I got the landline mobile and dialed the same number and this woman answered again when it wasn't the right number.

Next, I tried a different number and it was for a personal number for a "Davis" and what did I get? "The Children's Place" in Wenatchee, Washington at the Wenatchee mall. I wasn't even dialing a Wenatchee number. It was for a town an hour away. As far as I know but I might have to check. So then they said this number I had dialed wasn't THEIR number and they gave me a different number. I said, "Well, I dialed 666-6666 and this isn't your number?" and they said no so I had someone else look and they told him THAT number was their "fax number". I called again and they told me I had called yet another number. I said, "Oh, what happened to 666-3333? and they said that was never their number."

This is the same b.s. phone shit I got right before I tried to go to Canada with my son and the exact same thing is happening, it appears, and yet this time I'm not stranded out in a house in the middle of nowhere, unable to get others to confirm what I'm finding.

But yeah, sure, "nothing" ever happened to me and my son. BULLshit.

It's happened with at least three numbers I tried to dial today. It's feasible that someone messing around, knew I use the cafe phone or that I would try that, and I'd been there for hours, so who knows.

One thing is for sure, I'm not nuts, and this time I'm documenting everything and recording some of it too.

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