Friday, December 4, 2009

Royal Runes--I Can't Escape! (Vanity Fair's Charles Spencer)

I try to give it a break. I do. It keeps finding me.

I went to the bookstore and picked out a stack of magazines. Without looking at content on the front, I opened up the first one: Vanity Fair with Meryl Streep on the cover. Whaddya know.

Two different articles about English royalty: one about the Spencers and one about Edward-the-Abdicator and Wallis. (I love saying this, how it rings--Edward-the-Abdicator). It should probably be Edward-the-Romantic or something but it doesn't sound as nice.

I am caught in a web.

Oh my gosh, this is actually sort of funny. I can't get away anymore, even if I try.

Anyway, I can report the vibe went from sad to strong almost right after I wrote about it in my last comment.

Oh wait, I'm looking more closely's not 2 different articles. It's one about Althorp, estate of the Spencers. It just has a small section about Ed & Wallis.

Hahaha. Okay, not laughing at YOU Charles, but with you. The last line, "This may well be the final days of the landed English families" (or whatever)...The first thing I thought, after reading about these American women who have "infiltrated" the English aristocracy is this: I'll bet Charles falls for an American. Er, Americaine? Americeine? Fall Charles! Fall! I'm willing it to happen!

(I mean, in the best sense of course...Not every American or even English outsider is a gold-digger willing to sell heirlooms from under your nose)

What is sad is how much divorce and remarriage has affected these lives. This was an extremely deep pain. Good article and well-written. I liked the painting of the horse with the boy holding the reigns, in the entrance hall of Althorp.

I think it would be hilarious for Charles' last words in this article, to be repeated on his wedding day to His Americaine.

Let me repeat exactly: "These might just be the final days for many historic British landed families."

I want an accompanying cartoon with American women waving "Royalty" magazine and standing next to several U-Haul trucks, instructing men to take the objects of the estate away. But then it's not funny either. I think Charles needs to relax. And then fall in love despite himself.

I told someone recently, sometimes you get exactly what you'd least expect. I say never say never, because once you do, you've set yourself up. My best friend said, plagued by my incessant singing, guitar-playing and composing (at one time): "I will NEVER marry a musician!" I stopped, sharp intake of breath and said, "Oh no. Now you've done it. Now you're going to marry a musician." She said, "No I will NOT!" Suddenly, she's walking down the aisle with the drummer for a heavy metal band. Hahahahahaaaa! and they are very happy too. Imagine.

My second thought to this article was, "hmmm...Perhaps Charles' smells an Edward-the-Abdicator too and, as 'custodian' of all they hold dear, he is hopeful such an article will catch the attention of his nephews and be a firm reminder, in a nice, indirect sort of way. Beware the behemoth!"

Wallis put fear in the hearts of many. But do you know what? She and Eddie were the real thing and true to eachother, and she nursed him in his ill health and was his constant joy and companion and in the end, everyone knew she was sincere and real.

I say, if at least 7 or 8 "heirs" are holding their places in line to be miserable, it won't hurt any kind of "landed family" to set one of the poor lost souls free.

I think Charles' is as afraid of marriage and all that it might mean, as much as Diana was. He may have written this out of a defensive subconcious guard to not even just his nephews but maybe to himself.

Charles, you set yourself up! :) Now it will take twice the amount of work to keep destiny at bay.

My first songs today were a-ha's "Take On Me" again and then "You Are The One" and then I really wanted to hear Bob Dylan. So I clicked on Knocking On Heaven's Door and then the next one which came up, which I like more and hadn't heard before, "Sweetheart Like You"


Oh no! lol, I just found out Mr. Spencer IS married. Doesn't he seem like, though, and sort of act like this detached bachelor? So I amend my suggestion that he get married to fall in love again and leave others to fall in love without putting the burden of the entire establishment's safekeeping on the shoulders of the next generation. No one is going to hock your family's heirlooms farther and you suffered from a horrible trauma that isn't the case for everyone all around.

I don't know why a locket comes to mind but it does. Where is the locket and what does it have to do with anything?

Haha. I like this one too, by Bob Dylan "Things Have Changed"
Keep listening to "Sweetheart Like You".

And then, I decided to try to find something about a locket, in connection with Diana's name. I figured she's probably had a lot of jewelry, but why did this locket idea come to mind while writing about Charles? and maybe there is more than one locket, I don't know. It has come to mind while I've thought about Di, in an image. I don't try to see it, it just flashed up.

So the first thing that came up was a statue of Henry where he's dead, clutching some Cameo locket. I thought that was freaky. It was written in 2008 and so morbid. But I wondered then if there was a locket like this that he has so I typed in another search and what came up? Something about a rift between Diana and her brother Charles, when I guess she may have given Burrel a locket? Or maybe gave it to Burrel for safekeeping? I don't know. I just read she had picked out a heart shaped locket and had William's name engraved on it in Charles' handwriting, and this was given to her for William's birth but as a present to William? for his birth? i don't know. It's hard to know what's true or right.

All I know, is that there IS something important about a locket. Maybe more than one. But maybe there was or is a missing locket? or just a special locket. I don't know. Something over a locket.

I might have to see if I can find out what happened, or if anything DID happen with a locket and Mr. Burrel and Charles. I have absolutely no idea.

On my own personal note, I remember when I was very young, there was a locket with my photo and someone else's photo on the other side, Levi, or maybe it was just me. I can't recall. It was small and gold. I think it was just sort of plain and oval shaped. But I really don't remember. I know this locket thing is something to do with Diana though.
I also was surprised to see the flooring of Althorp. Black and white like that. I don't remember why but I had an image on the East Coast, of this floor but I thought it didn't make sense bc it didn't seem like anything connected to Di, but more like the flooring of a 1950s barhop place or something. I just saw a flash of this floor, and I remember someone noted this, shocked but I didn't know why.
Oh, I think I misread. There was a heart shaped pendant but this was different, it sounds like, from some locket that was more simple, and presented to Di at William's birth. Nothing to do with Spencer or Burrel I don't think. So, I have no idea. that's one locket. I don't know why it always comes to mind. Not necessarily that one, but "some" locket. and why it's question form like it's missing or something or why it comes to me like that.

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