Sunday, December 20, 2009


I felt pretty good energy all day until later this evening, a few rough patches. Of course, people around me the whole time, and it's not to do with me or a mood, but I felt I picked up on something.

I then enjoyed watching a few clips of the royal family of course. I think it's backfiring on me though. The more I watch even a few live clips, the stranger it is to go back and read about Di, in the past and in print. It feels different somehow.

I saw the article about the Queen leaving for Christmas on the railway and thought that was great, and noticed her scarf. I loved it, and it was a little bit similiar to the one in the movie which I also liked, and when I saw it I said, "Hey! I used to have a scarf like that!" and laughed. I really do like her, I think. I think what was getting me, was how she soldiered on in high heels. Not to encourage her, because flats would also be fine if one is tired and I would rather she be comfortable especially when it's deserved in ones 80s! What's strange is that I've had more dreams about her than about Di. In fact, I've never had a dream about Di. I don't think. I've had at least 3 involving the Queen. In one, she was there overseeing food given to children, in another I was talking to someone that looked like her and she said "They didn't like me either" and then in the third I was looking at her jewelry. I think I may have had others too. But not one about Di, that I can recall, though I've had more "impressions" with her.

I have had it in my mind and heart to pray for this family and also, I sort of pray for their spiritual renewal or have felt this is coming for one or some of them. That something very different and deep is knocking on the door, as strange as that sounds. Something must be right about it though, becasue just as I wrote this, I felt uplifted. So God bless them and so be it.

I feel some sadness in other regards, because of my life situation I suppose and something I must pick up from others.

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