Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Visit With My Son

Making a space for the visit went really well.

We were in a different room and my son was there already. It was one for smaller kids, babies, but the other rooms were taken. I told my son, "this is a room for babies, but we know you're very big now, it's that the other rooms are full with other kids today." So he nodded and was happy to be visiting and he first wanted to know what I had brought. So I showed him the organic milk and other things I had brought for him to eat. He wanted the Oreos first.

He wanted to read books and selected a Pirate Treasure one with the Backyardigans. Then Berenstain Bears. He wanted this one a couple of times and I used an accent for a southern family. The word "skeddaddle" was used and "gettin'" so I used a southern voice. I had a stuffed animal, a dog, "reading" it to him, which he loved. He loved having me use the dog to talk to him and would pick the dog up and hug it and give it kisses. Very cute. He gave me a lot of spontaneous kisses and hugs and was very affectionate. It was a red dog that looked like Clifford.

At one point he wanted to pretend he was a baby and we did this and I wrapped him up and rocked him in the chair and pretended to change his diaper on the changing table. He just grinned like it was a fun game, to play pretend.

It was while I was reading to him that he pulled on and poked his one eye. I didn't say anything. I didn't say anything about his eyes until he brought it up.

He has a sudden sharp seeming pain, it's not like he just starts rubbing his eyes because they itch.

When I asked him to close his eyes while I hid clues for the Treasure Hunt, he did but said his eye(s) hurt. So I made scraps of paper with clues and hid them in different places and the last one was "Shake Sue's Hand" and I had given Sue a candy to hold in her hand, concealed, which he would find when he shook her hand. So he did this and thought it was great. Sue said it was clear he really liked this.

He wanted to do it again and I made more clues and he did the hunt. I told him I'd think of a planned one for next time and he was enthusiastic about it.

He said he was tired and he acted sort of sleepy.

At the end, he looked sort of sad or desperate that I might not come back and I made his calendar out and he said Mama, stay here okay? don't go anywhere!" and kept saying to stay there and he wanted to see me. When I made out the calendar, he said out loud he wanted to see me "tommorrow" but I told him it wasn't possible yet. He had a sad look on his face when he left and it was clear he didn't want to go and then all the way out of the little room, in front of a large group of people, he blew kisses to me and waved. He wouldn't take more than 2 steps without stopping to blow me another kiss and wave and he looked sad. He did this until I was out of sight.

A whole group of people saw him doing this.

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